This is a repository for various tools and documents to support Sming. Items may be added, but never removed or modified. New versions shall be identified clearly.
- Pre-installed MinGW
with GCC 8.2.0MinGW-2020-10-19.7z
with GCC 9.2.0, extracts toMinGW
with GCC 9.2.0, extracts to current directoryMinGW-2021-04-12-full.7z
few updates to msys, including package cacheMinGW-2021-04-12.7z
without package cache (recommended install)
- Pre-compiled toolchains (without SDK)
- Old Espressif SDKs (for testing)
- ESP Quick Toolchains for Linux/MAC/Windows. Updated Dec 2020. See
- Espressif ESP32 tools for ESP IDF version 4.1 - downloads from espressif website can be problematic
- NPCAP for Windows (