Here are the Color palettes. You can take them if you want to.
This is basically the main color palette. The names are just my custom name.
- BG: #000000
- FG: #00FF00
- White: #FFFFFF
- Grey: #999999
- DamnGrey: #808080
- DarkSky: #333333
- Warning: #E82F0C
- Lightgiga: #B6FF0D
- Chad: #59E80C
- Green: #00FF00
- Dank: #0CE84A
- TooChad: #0DDF96
- Blue: #0000FF
- Purblue: #480CE8
- Solid: #0C46E8
- Light: #0D8CFF
- Yellow: #FFFF00
- Tux: #F0A500
- Orange: #FFB20D
- Red: #FF1E19
- Revolution: #B30C09
- Purple: #9A0FF5
- Pur: #D00EE8
Previews are made with HTML table, with the head cell having colspan=6
and the bottom ones being just filled with six unbreakable spaces coz i make bad decisions.
Feel free to contribute. I don't know why I am not that good in designing :))