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Adys edited this page Jul 5, 2012 · 9 revisions

Release 0.5

  1. Fix the panel sizing.
  2. Improvements in razor-runner (IN PROGRESS, alex?). Done.
  3. New build system, convenient for plugin developers.
  4. The grouping of tasks in the task panel. (#10)
  5. New LinuxMint-style menu. Yunior Barceló Chávez, there is progress?
  6. GUI for change razor theme. (IN PROGRESS, Alex) Done.
  7. Gui for adding new/remove current panel.
  8. Notification daemon and client lib (IN PROGRESS, w0land) Done.
  9. Keyboard global shortcuts (IN PROGRESS, Aaron Lewis)
  10. Desktop critical fixes: RTI related crashes, it's really slow and annoying to use.
  11. Code stabilization and regression fixes introduced by current changes (settings, ...)