Allow to release victim
Image | 圖示
Apply to | 適用於
Translation Support | 支援翻譯
English 繁體中文 简体中文
Changelog | 版本日誌
//BHaType @ 2019~2022 //Shadowysn @ 2022 //HarryPotter @ 2022-2023
v1.0h (2023-4-11)
- Translation Support
- Add cvars, infected can't use attack1 and attack2 for short time after release victim.
v2.5 (2023-1-27)
- Shadowysn's fork
- Remove Gamedata
Require | 必要安裝
ConVar | 指令
- cfg\sourcemod\l4d2_release_victim.cfg
// Reset ability l4d2_release_victim_ability_reset "1" // Changes how message displays. (0: Disable, 1:In chat, 2: In Hint Box, 3: In center text) l4d2_release_victim_announce_type "1" // Release distance l4d2_release_victim_distance "900.0" // Show effect after release l4d2_release_victim_effect "1" // Release height l4d2_release_victim_height "600.0" // After dismounting with the hunter, how long can the player not use attack1 and attack2 l4d2_release_victim_hunter_attackdelay "6.0" // After dismounting with the jockey, how long can the player not use attack1 and attack2 l4d2_release_victim_jockey_attackdelay "6.0" // After dismounting with the charger, how long can the player not use attack1 and attack2 l4d2_release_victim_charger_attackdelay "6.0" // After dismounting with the smoker, how long can the player not use attack1 and attack2 l4d2_release_victim_smoker_attackdelay "10.0"
- cfg\sourcemod\l4d2_release_victim.cfg
Command | 命令
- Charger、Smoker、Jockey、Hunter抓住倖存者之後,可以按下右鍵釋放倖存者
- AI 特感不適用
- 可設置Charger釋放後不能攻擊的時間
- 可設置Smoker釋放後不能攻擊的時間
- 可設置Jockey釋放後不能攻擊的時間
- 可設置Hunter釋放後不能攻擊的時間
- 可設置釋放後彈走的高度與距離
- 可設置釋放後特感的能力重置,必須等一段時間