L4D2 Competitive enhancement, bug/glitch fixes, general purpose and freaky-fun plugins.
All plugins in here only apply to L4D2 (last edited:2023/5/4)
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- Sourcemod 1.11 (or newer)
- Metamod 1.11 (or newer)
- L4DToolZ
- Left 4 DHooks Direct
- [INC] Multi Colors
>>Click here to see my private plugin list<<
- hunter_growl_sound_fix: Fix silence Hunter produces growl sound when player MIC on
- huntercrouchsound: Forces silent but crouched hunters to emitt sounds
- l4d2_ai_damagefix: Makes AI SI take (and do) damage like human SI.
- l4d2_Death_Survivor: If a player die as a survivor, this model survior bot keep death until map change or server shutdown
- l4d2_change_m1: If all Survivors die, change level to the current map m1 (coop only)
- lfd_both_fixUpgradePack: Fixes upgrade packs pickup bug when there are 5+ survivors
- clear_dead_body: Remove Dead Body Entity
- multitanks_a-l4d2: An improved version of the MultiTanks plugin originally created by Red Alex.
- l4d2_gun_damage_modify: Modify every weapon damage done to Tank, SI, Witch, Common including melee in l4d2
- l4d2_melee_swing: Adjustable melee swing rate for each melee weapon.
- l4d2_chainsaw_refuelling: Allow refuelling of a chainsaw
- l4d2_vocalizebasedmodel: Survivors will vocalize based on their model
- l4d_witch_realism_door_fix: Fixing witch can't break the door on Realism Normal、Advanced、Expert
- 修正Witch在寫實模式下的一般難度、進階難度、專家難度,無法抓破門
- jockey_ride_team_switch_teleport_fix: Fixed Teleport bug if jcokey player switches team while ridding the survivor
- 修正Jockey玩家跳隊時,會發生傳送bug
- l4d_flying_car: Replaces getaway chopper by flying car in L4D2 C8 No Mercy
- 前往霍格華茲學院的魔法汽車
- all4dead2: Enables admins to have control over the AI Director and spawn all weapons, melee, items, special infected, and Uncommon Infected without using sv_cheats 1
- 管理員可以直接操控遊戲導演系統並生成武器、近戰武器、物品、醫療物品、特殊感染者以及特殊一般感染者等等,無須開啟作弊模式
- drop_secondary: Survivor players will drop their secondary weapon (including melee) when they die
- 死亡時掉落第二把武器
- l4d_death_weapon_respawn_fix: In coop/realism, if you died with primary weapon, you will respawn with T1 weapon. Delete datas if hold M60 or mission lost
- 修復在戰役/寫實模式中重新復活或救援房間救活的時候,武器不一樣
- l4d2_biletheworld: Vomit Jars hit Survivors, Boomer Explosions slime Infected.
- 膽汁瓶會噴到倖存者身上,Boomer爆炸的膽汁噴到特感、Tank、Witch、普通感染者
- L4D2_Buy_Store: Killing zombies and infected to earn points, use !buy to purchase weapons and items.
- 人類與特感的購物商城 (無資料庫與特殊商品)
- l4d2_gifts: Drop gifts (touch gift to earn reward) when a special infected or a tank/witch killed by survivor.
- 殺死特感會掉落禮物盒,會獲得驚喜物品,聖誕嘉年華
- l4d2_item_hint: When using 'Look' in vocalize menu, print corresponding item to chat area.
- 使用語音雷達"看"可以標記任何物品、武器、地點、特感
- l4d2_karma_kill: Very Very loudly announces the predicted event of a player leaving the map and or life through height or drown.
- 被Charger撞飛、Tank打飛、Jockey騎走墬樓、自殺跳樓等等會有慢動作特效
- l4d2_skill_detect: Detects and reports skeets, crowns, levels, highpounces, etc.
- 顯示人類與特感各種花式技巧 (譬如推開特感、速救隊友、一槍爆頭、近戰砍死、高撲傷害等等)
- l4d2_spectating_cheat: A spectator who watching the survivor at first person view can now see the infected model glows though the wall
- 旁觀者可以看到特感的光圈,方便旁觀者觀賞
- l4d2_supply_woodbox: CSO Random Supply Boxes in l4d2
- 地圖上隨機出現補給箱,提供人類強力支援 (仿CSO惡靈降世 補給箱)
- l4d2_tank_props_glow: When a Tank punches a Hittable it adds a Glow to the hittable which all infected players can see.
- Tank打到的物件都會產生光圈,只有特感能看見 + Tank死亡之後車子自動消失
- l4d2_weapon_csgo_reload: Quickswitch Reloading like CS:GO in L4D2
- 將武器改成現代遊戲的裝子彈機制 (仿CS:GO切槍裝彈設定)
- LMC_Black_and_White_Notifier: Notifies selected team(s) when someone is on final strike and add glow
- 顯示誰是黑白狀態,有更多的提示與支援LMC模組
- show_mic: Voice Announce in centr text + create hat to Show Who is speaking.
- 顯示誰在語音並且在說話的玩家頭上帶帽子
- l4d2_ty_saveweapons: L4D2 coop save weapon when map transition if more than 4 players
- 當伺服器有5+以上玩家遊玩戰役、寫實時,保存他們過關時的血量以及攜帶的武器、物品
- l4d_rescue_vehicle_leave_timer: When rescue vehicle arrived and a timer will display how many time left for vehicle leaving. If a player is not on rescue vehicle or zone, slay him
- 救援來臨之後,未在時間內上救援載具逃亡的玩家將處死
- l4d2_release_victim: Allow to release victim
- 特感可以釋放被抓住的倖存者
- l4d2_mission_manager: Mission manager for L4D2, provide information about map orders for other plugins
- 地圖管理器,提供給其他插件做依賴與API串接
- AI_HardSI: Improves the AI behaviour of special infected
- 強化每個AI 特感的行為與提高智商,積極攻擊倖存者
- sourcemod v1.11 compiler: scripting folder
- L4D1-Competitive-Plugins: L4D1 Competitive enhancement
- L4D1_2-Plugins: L4D1/2 general purpose and freaky-fun plugins.
- L4D2-Server4Dead: Setup your own L4D2 Servers.
- Game-Private_Plugin: Private Plugin List.