A finite state machine implementation using enums for states and events. This simple approach allows for a highly readable state machine, while still supporting features including guards, transition callbacks and logging.
Supported state machine features:
- States and events represented by enums
- Optional callbacks on state entry, exit and transitions
- Optional guard functions on state transitions
- Fires events on transitions between states
To get started create an instance of StateMachine
with the initial state and a map of transitions between states. The map of transitions should be a map of state enums to a list of valid Transition
from that state.
Then call fire
on the StateMachine
instance to transition to the next state.
import 'package:simple_fsm/simple_fsm.dart';
enum State { water, ice, steam }
enum Event { heat, cool }
final fsm = StateMachine(
initialState: State.water,
transitions: {
State.water: [
Transition(State.ice, Event.cool),
Transition(State.steam, Event.heat),
State.ice: [
Transition(State.steam, Event.heat, guard: () => temp > 100),
Transition(State.water, Event.heat),
State.steam: [
Transition(State.water, Event.cool, onTransition: () => print('Liquefied')),
onEnter: {
State.steam: () => print('The water is boiling'),
onExit: {
State.steam: () => print('The water has stopped boiling'),
State transition events can also be listened to using the onTransition
fsm.onTransition.listen((event) {
print('State transitioned from ${event.previousState} to ${event.newState} on ${event.event}');
To add logging to your state machine, simply pass a Logger
instance to the StateMachine
To reduce the verbosity of the code, the following type aliases are provided:
typedef FSM = StateMachine;
typedef Tx = Transition;
This will allow you to write the following:
final fsm = FSM(
initialState: State.water,
transitions: const {
State.water: [
Tx(State.ice, Event.cool),
Tx(State.steam, Event.heat),
State.ice: [
Tx(State.water, Event.heat),