Demo version for study practise (playbook will be modified) This playbook installs all prerequisites for kubernetes cluster and starts it. For cidr subnetwork changes, flannel file need to be configured
- Remote system: amd64 Ubuntu server 22.04.4 (4 cores, 2Gb RAM, 14Gb disk)
- VM Network: adapter1 - host-only (Manual configuration), adapter2 - NAT (DHCP)
- SSH: by password
- Container runtime: containerd v1.7.16
- Container cli: nerdctl v 2.0.0-beta.4
- Cgroup driver: systemd
- Runc version: 1.1.12
- CNI plugin: flannel
- Kubernetes version: 1.29
- Ingress controller: ingress-nginx (hostnetwork approach)
- fastAPI + uvicorn port 8000