OpenRBF is maintained by Bluesquare and uses the following technology:
- MySql
- Jquery
- Bootstrap
- Highcharts
- Dompdf
The package contains a demo version with a demo database containing random data
You need a lamp environment
$ git clone https://github.com/openrbf/openrbf
You need to create index.php, pbf_app/config/config.php and pbf_app/config/database.php to fit to your local installation.
For this you can copy the examples files index.example.php, pbf_app/config/config.example.php and pbf_app/config/database.example.php and adapt your local path and the database access
Create a local database e.g. : 'openrbf' and import the database from db/openrbf.sql.zip
The default admin user is :
login : [email protected] pwd: demo
Want to contribute? Contact Bluesquare (www.bluesquare.org)