Meal/Recipe planner created using Java's JSwing Library
This was created for a university Software Engineering project, and was developed using Agile methodology (namely Scrum). I developed this alongside a team of my peers in a simulated industry environment.
To download/install the latest release, see
- Custom Recipe & Meal creation, saving, and loading
- Searching Meals and Recipes by the ingredients they use
- Portion scaling based on serving sizes
- Shopping/Ingredient list generation based on Meals/Recipes
- Calorie Calculator
- Unit Converter
- Adequate Localization for EN, ES, & FR
- Software Engineering Patterns (Singleton, Observer, etc.)
- Abstraction & Polymorphism
- Java JSwing
- Serialization
- Agile (Scrum)
- Weekly sprints
- Daily scrums
- Project management
- Product packaging & deployment
- Time-value & man-hour calculation and optimization