App here:
Simple tool to check assets assigned to you in Fresh Service app. It also allows you to check when you can replace or buyout Macbook (based on lease time).
- Displaying 'Time to replacement' and 'Time to buyout' for Macbooks
- Small UI redesign
Asset Checker uses a number of open source projects to work properly:
- Node.js - Entire app build upon this
- Express - fast node.js network app framework
- PUG - template engine
- Semantic UI - UI framework
- Moment - date-time related package
- Axios - promise based HTTP calls
- DotENV - for handling environmental variables
- And others..
$ git clone this-repo
$ npm install
to install all dependencies.
Then you need to setup env variables. To do so copy .env.sample
to .env
$ cp .env.sample .env
and fill .env with needed tokens and stuff.
Just simply:
$ npm run devn
which will start development enviroment using Nodemon (You don't have to restart project each time you made a change in it). To force restart simply:
$ rs
MIT Free Software, Hell Yeah!