The server should be executed this way
java Server < port number >
Port number declares the port that the server listens to
The Client side should be executed this way
java Client < ip > < port number > < fn_id > < args >
- ip: Server Ip (use localhost for easy use)
- port number: The port that the server listens to
- fn_id: The identifier of the executed operation
- args: The operations' parameters The operations are the following:
java Client < ip > < port number> 1 < username >
Creates an account for the user with the given username. The function returns a unique code (token) which is used to authenticate the user in his next requests.
java Client < ip > < port number> 2 < authtoken >
A list of all the existed accounts are printed
The file explorer is accessible using the button in left corner of the navigation bar. You can create a new file by clicking the New file button in the file explorer. You can also create folders by clicking the New folder button.
java Client < ip > < port number> 3 < authtoken > < recipient > < message_body >
A message ( < message_body > ) is sent to the user < recipient >
java Client < ip > < port number> 4 < authtoken >
It displays a list with all the received messages of the user with the token < authtoken >
java Client < ip > < port number> 5 < authtoken > < message_id >
This operation displays the content of a message of the user with id <message_id>. The message is then marked as read
java Client < ip > < port number> 6 < authtoken > < message_id >
This operation deletes the message with id < message_id >