A small Create addon I originally made for my modpack, Create+.
- A cogwheel sequenced assembly recipe, with its own incomplete cogwheel item to go with it.
- Recipes for mod compat (and a change to an existing Create recipe)
- Inverted Gearshift and Clutch: Right-clicking a gearshift or clutch with a redstone torch turns them into their inverted versions. (When inverted, no power means they will act like their powered, non-inverted counterparts, and when they are powered by redstone, they act like a shaft, just like their unpowered, non-inverted counterparts.)
- Brass Gearbox: has sides you can cover by right-clicking with brass casing in your hand. Covering sides prevents rotation for transferring to and from that side.
- Ponders for new blocks
- Brass gearbox ponder has very tiny issues (but my friends didn't notice them, so hopefully you won't either)
- Who do you think I am, ChatGPT or something? I've got other stuff to do
- Brass chain drive: works and has textures, but no functionality difference between andesite version.
It should be able to connect in more than 1 direction, but I have no idea how to implement that. (aka this will never happen)
Feel Free to suggest more, or make a pull request that adds one of these features or even something you came up with!