This project was generated with Angular CLI version 17.3.10.
I built this project to learn Angular practically after learning about it theoretically.
- The user must be able to see all of the following stories on either PC, Tablet of Mobile (Responsive)
- The user must be able to see a list of pokemons in the styled overview
- The user must be able to see the sidebar and its content
- The user must be able to use the 'more' popup of a single Pokemon
- The user must be able to favorite a Pokemon
- The user must be able to open a single Pokemon in a Modal View
- The user must be able to see all the stats of a pokemon in three tabs
- The user must be able to see an overview of all their favorite Pokemons on a different page/route
- The user should see a 'not found' page when the route is not identified
- The user should be able to search through all the pokemons
- The user should be able to switch to darkmode in the sidebar
- Search loading states (spinner of skeleton loading)
- "Not found" search empty state
- Favorites empty state
- Pokemon battle functie?
- The user could be treated with nice animations throughout the app
Run ng serve
for a dev server. Navigate to http://localhost:4200/
. The application will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.
Run ng generate component component-name
to generate a new component. You can also use ng generate directive|pipe|service|class|guard|interface|enum|module
Run ng build
to build the project. The build artifacts will be stored in the dist/
Run ng test
to execute the unit tests via Karma.
Run ng e2e
to execute the end-to-end tests via a platform of your choice. To use this command, you need to first add a package that implements end-to-end testing capabilities.
To get more help on the Angular CLI use ng help
or go check out the Angular CLI Overview and Command Reference page.