Book recommender engine is a flask app developed in Python. It recommends appropriate books to users based on popularity and user interests.
Technology used:
- Python
- Flask
- Bootstrap
- Jupyter NoteBook
- VScode
- Render
GitHub Setup :
- Fork the repository
- Check the forked repository in your profile
- Clone the project
Local Setup :
- Create a folder and open it
- For windows: Open git bash / For Linux: Open terminal and cd to that folder
- Clone the repository from link :
git clone
- setup a virtual environment and install the requirements :
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Now, run the file and the development server will start
- Set original repo as your upstream remote :
git remote add upstream
- Pull updates from upstream :
git pull upstream
- Make changes locally and push it your forked copy of the project
- Create a pull request in GitHub
- Upon running you'll be shown a Homepage which will show the recommendation of top 50 books with most ratings using the popularity based filtering and a navigationMenu to 'recomend'
- On clicking "recommend", you'll be asked to enter the name of a book.
- On clicking enter you will be recommended top books which have closest attributes and are most similar to the given input book using content based filtering model