Play Songs From Your Osu! Directory!
Requires: Java 23
Tested on Windows 10.
How to use:
- Place jar file in folder, as the program will create two files within same directory.
- Add Osu! beatmaps to a collection to be used as a playlist. Close Osu! to apply collection changes.
- Within OsuMP3 go to (File > Get Osu! Folder) and select your Osu! folder (not songs folder).
- Click a song name to begin playing a shuffled playlist of the selected collection (column).
- Up and down arrow keys for volume.
- Space key to play/pause.
- Keyboard and headphone media keys for audio playback (Play/Pause, SkipNext/SkipPrev).
- Click and drag mouse to move song panel around.
- You can now use keyboard and headphone media keys to control the program (even while minimized)
- For headphones with one media button the controls are usually: double-click = next song, tripple-click = prev song, single-click = play/pause
- Only capable of playing songs added to Osu! collections at this time.
- Osu! saves to its "Collections" file when you close the game.
Uses library: for media keystrokes