-RedOrchid Set now have the correct stats. -Pet EXP being stopped now fixed. -Group HP bar now visible. -Fatal Sword now coded correctly. -Newbie guild cap fixed backend. -Account creation screen bug fixed. -Login/Char select screen music now defined as correct type. -Taoist pets no longer die upon log out. (PetSave bug) -Way to Monghcon quest. (Pickup in Serpent Valley/Drop off in Monghcon) -Gameshop items added. (Gold ONLY) -Mudwall board. (Fixed teleports to stores) -BichonWall board. (Added Hairdresser teleport) -Swamp. (Monster drop files added & Stats changed) -Hero Inspect now working. -Press ESC to close Hero windows. -Hero windows now in English. -Hero bag. (Drop items straight to floor)