Releases: Sylvain-Bugat/RundeckMonitor
Rundeck Monitor version 2.0
RunDeck Monitor version 1.9
Add RunDeck Monitor official site on GitHub pages.
Use updated RunDeck client, add logs and findbugs/PMD/CheckStyle fixes.
RundeckMonitor version 1.8
Components upgrades, some minor fixes and re-enable v11 and v12 API in the configuration wizard.
RundeckMonitor version 1.7
Improvements/fixes of the popup menu compatibility on Mac OSX and Linux (Swing or AWT) and compnents upgrades.
RundeckMonitor version 1.6
Improvements of the popup menu, opening a job can now view or download logs and automatic version checker can be disabled.
RundeckMonitor version 1.5
Improvements of API configuration version with old rundeck version, and select only compatible API version in the Wizard.
RundeckMonitor version 1.4
Improvements of configuration error, add edit configuration menu and automatic configuration reloading.
RundeckMonitor version 1.3
Release with a basic configuration wizard and improved automatic version checker
RundeckMonitor version 1.2
Release with icon on failed/late jobs and bold font to mark them and API token authentication
RundeckMonitor version 1.1
Release with automatic version checker