Private Messaging module for ABP framework.
An abp application module that allows users to send private messages to each other.
Install the following NuGet packages. (see how)
- Syrna.PrivateMessaging.Application
- Syrna.PrivateMessaging.Application.Contracts
- Syrna.PrivateMessaging.Domain
- Syrna.PrivateMessaging.Domain.Shared
- Syrna.PrivateMessaging.EntityFrameworkCore
- Syrna.PrivateMessaging.HttpApi
- Syrna.PrivateMessaging.HttpApi.Client
- Syrna.PrivateMessaging.Web
- Syrna.PrivateMessaging.Blazor
- Syrna.PrivateMessaging.Blazor.Server
- Syrna.PrivateMessaging.Blazor.WebAssembly
attribute to configure the module dependencies. (see how) -
to theOnModelCreating()
method in MyProjectMigrationsDbContext.cs. -
Add EF Core migrations and update your database. See: ABP document.
This project based on EasyAbp PrivateMessaging
- Demo project created for OpenIddict
- Demo project extended modules added
- Blazor modules added
- Inbox sorting appliyed
- Outbox sorting applyed
- Added create button to Toolbar dropdown menu
- Added ReadTime to Outbox