unc0ver jailbreak for iOS 11.0 - 11.4.1
by @pwn20wnd & @sbingner
UI by @DennisBednarz & Samg_is_a_Ninja
- All exploits in the same app
- Detailed error messages
- Faster patches
- More stable patches
- No extra battery drain
- No random freezes
- No random slowdowns
- No data is logged or shared
- No malware
- Proper jailbreak state detection
- Proper bootstrap extraction to fix issues such as Cydia not appearing after jailbreak
- Native build of Cydia for iOS 11 that is faster and much more stable
- Changes to Cydia made with permission from Saurik
- Telesphoreo port for ARM64
- Cydia skips uicache when not needed
- Cydia supports iPhone X screen size
- Official Cydia Substrate for tweak injection
- Much faster and more stable ldrestart
- Option to skip loading daemons
- Option to dump APTicket
- Option to refresh icon cache
- Option to disable auto updates
- Option to block app revokes
- Option to restore RootFS
- Option to export tfp0
- Button to restart the device
- Button to open Cydia if it doesn't appear on the Home Screen
- Label to show the days left till the application expires
- Built-in Update checker
- Working debugserver
- Detailed debugging
- Realtime Log window
- An awesome UI
- VFS(Empty_list) by lan beer (11.0 - 11.3.1)
- MultiPath by lan beer (11.2 - 11.3.1)
- Async_Wake by lan beer (11.0 - 11.1.2)
- Voucher Swap by Brandon Azad (11.2 - 12.1.2)
- V1ntex by Tihmstar (11.2 - 11.4.1)
- Use the built-in diagnostics tool
- Tweet @pwn20wnd
- Perform a full restore with Rollectra before switching from the other jailbreaks
- Turn off Siri before starting the jailbreak
- Wait at least one minute on the jailbreak screen
- This project is completely open source and it will be kept like it in the future
- Any kind of cordially contribution is welcome
- The source code can be found on here
- Remove the empty front page ads in Cydia
- Completely switch to Cydia Substrate and ditch Substitute
- Make switching from other jailbreaks without wiping the device possible
- Fix a kernel panic that's triggered by a kernel data abort which is caused by a UaF bug in jailbreakd
- Add the v1ntex exploit by tihmster for a better success rate
- Chain @_bazad's blanket to bypass the developer certificate requirement for multi_path
- Enable the on-fly entitlement patching on iOS 11
- WebKit Port with @_niklasb's WebKit Exploit
- Releases are available here
- @i41nbeer for mach_portal, triple_fetch, async_wake, empty_list, multi_path & deja_xnu
- @Morpheus______ for the QiLin Toolkit
- @xerub for libjb and the original patchfinder64
- @iBSparkes for the original amfid_payload, jailbreakd and pspawn_hook
- @stek29 for the patchfinder64 additions, unlocknvram, host_get_special_port(4) patch and shenanigans bypass
- @theninjaprawn for the patchfinder64 additions
- @saurik for Cydia and Substrate
- @FCE365 for the empty_list reliability improvements
Credits for Undecimus-Resources
- @coolstarorg for the snapshot rename idea
- @Cryptiiiic for testing
- @xanDesign_ for testing
- @AppleDry05 for testing
- @Rob_Coleman123 for testing
- @MidnightChip for testing
- @Swag_iOS for testing
- @jailbreakbuster for testing
- @Jakeashacks for testing
- @king4q1 for testing
- @t4shf33n for testing