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Code-201 Team RAD JS

Final Project Code 201

Sowmya Billakanti Robert Radford Jeff Ostlund Alexandria Creek dora blakey diana

Dayyam Labyrinth

  • Escape purpose browser game that generates a new maze level with each generation to work from entrance to exit.
  • Skill Building, Problem Solving, Brain-workout, Puzzle
  • Making minimum viability- maze solving way out.

User Stories

As someone with interest in backend game design, I want to make a program that procedurally generates a new environment so that users can play multiple sessions without getting bored. -Robert Radford

Feature tasks:

  • Each play session is a new experience
  • Every session is winnable

Acceptance tasks:

  • The map is unique and changes the exit side
  • There isn't any maps with monsters located in a position that makes it impossible to win

As a new developer, I want to build user interaction into a game which is really fun. -Sowmya Billakanti

Feature tasks:

  • User input is taken into a game
  • Playing is a fun experience

Acceptance tasks:

  • The game functions dependant on what the user does
  • Visuals and ambience fit smoothly, and the experience isn't too tedious

As a horror enthusiast I want the effects to be inclined to have a creep factor added in as well as so ambiance behind it. User beware you are in for a scare. -Alexandria Creek

Feature tasks:

  • The monsters should have a creepy appearance with clean visuals
  • There should be scary ambient sound looping and creepy monster noises when they show on screen

Acceptance tasks:

  • The inner images should be styled to transition smoothly with eachother
  • The start game form should also launch ambient music that loops

As an adventure enthusiast and aspiring web developer I am excited about collaborating in building a mind-teasing-puzzle with a bit of thrill -- dora blakey diana

Feature Tasks:

  • The maze offers interactive qualities to keep a participant engaged
  • There are added challenges of 'monster' pursuit

Acceptance Tests:

  • The participant determines duration and unique direction of the game
  • Image and embedded audio will enhance the participant's experience

As a JavaScript engineer focused on front-end experience, I want to help with the overall function and presentation of the design, helping users utilize a minimalist design. -Jeff Ostlund

Feature tasks:

  • The map should not be confusing or hard to understand
  • The buttons/key interactions should be simple and straight-forward

Acceptance tasks:

  • clean home screen presentation
  • clean tutorial/starting screen
  • straight-forward directions throughout


Final Project Code 201







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