kaboom is a Python library for the KAI Agent-Based Organizational Optimization Model (KABOOM) described in a paper currently being submitted for publication. This agent-based model simulates the performance of teams of engineers solving a multivariate design problem, and incorporates the cognitive styles and solution-sharing interactions of agents. Cognitive styles of agents in KABOOM are based on the Kirton Adaption-Innovation Inventory which describes a range of problem-solving styles from adaptive (incremental change) to innovative (radical change).
Use the package manager pip to install kaboom from Github.
KABOOM has been tested with python 3.6.7. We recommend creating a new Anaconda environment before installing KABOOM. The code below assumes you have Anaconda.
conda create -n kaboomEnvironment python=3.6
source activate kaboomEnvironment
conda install pip
pip install git+http://github.com/THREDgroup/kaboom.git
If you still have package issues, tell pip to install the specific versions of packages listed in kaboom/requirements.txt. In the example below, you'll need to replace "/path/to" in the command below with the path to requirements.txt on your computer.
pip install -r /path/to/kaboom/requirements.txt #
Run in your favorite python compiler:
import kaboom
# runs the first study, which analyzes the effect of a team's
#cognitive style composition on performance for 2 problems
# output figure is saved to kaboom/kaboom/IDETC_studies/results/ directory
#run the other experiments from IDETC paper:
#results figures are saved to kaboom/kaboom/IDETC_studies/results/
Run a basic simulation
import kaboom
#create a parameters object:
parameters = kaboom.params.Params()
#modify simulation parameter values as desired
parameters.nDims = 14
#run the simulation with an abstract sinusoid objective function
team = kaboom.kaboom.teamWorkSharing(parameters)
#check team performance
#invert score *-1 so that higher score = better performance
print( team.getBestScore()*-1 )
#check other outcomes, such as the number of pairwise interactions:
print ( team.nMeetings )
Specify a set of KAI scores for agents on a team
import kaboom
#create a parameters object:
parameters = kaboom.params.Params()
#provide a list of KAI scores for each agent on the team
parameters.nAgents = 5
parameters.kaiList = [100,101,102,120,80]
#run the simulation using this custom team composition
team = kaboom.kaboom.teamWorkSharing(parameters)
#check that the KAI scores of each team member match the desired values:
print("KAI scores of each team member:")
print([a.kai.KAI for a in team.agents])
from kaboom.carMakers import runCarDesignProblem
#create a parameters object
#parameters (p.nAgents = 33, p.nTeams = 11, p.nDims = 56) are automatically set for this problem.
parameters = kaboom.params.Params()
#run the simulation with the car designer objective
team = runCarDesignProblem(parameters)
#check the performance of the team
#invert score *-1 so that higher score = better performance
print( team.getBestScore()*-1 )
from kaboom.runBeamDesigners import runBeamDesignProblem
team = runBeamDesignProblem() #run beam design simulation
print( team.getBestScore()*-1 ) #performance: higher = better
#run simulations in parallel with multiprocessing
import multiprocessing
import itertools
from kaboom.kaboom import teamWorkProcess
from kaboom.params import Params
p = Params()
p.steps = 10
p.reps = 4
allTeamObjects = []
if __name__ == '__main__':
myPool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes = 4)
allTeams = myPool.starmap(teamWorkProcess, zip(range(p.reps), itertools.repeat(p) ) )
for team in allTeams:
print("team scores: ")
print([t.getBestScore() for t in allTeamObjects])
#now create your own experiment, varying a parameter and checking the performance