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Progress is reaching a fascinating speed in today's world due to ever more powerful computers in development and research. Formerly buzzword technologies, such as AI and machine learning, are arriving in the middle of the working world - and the "next big thing" is already on the horizon: "Quantum computing" is the buzzword of the future, which has the potential to permanently change many work processes. Accordingly, it is important to familiarize yourself with it as early as possible. Too complicated? It doesn't have to be!
Quantos is a cooperation with the Forschungszentrum Jülich (Jülich Research Center) - a beginner-friendly and WCAG 2.1 Level AA-compliant learning platform that enables a wide target group from middle school to workpersons to learn how quantum annealers function. The app design is based on gamification, delivering content in diverse ways with a mix of text blocks and interactive participatory tasks. The additional accessibilty features, such as a high-contrast mode and audio descriptions, support visually impaired users in getting an equal learning experience. Quantos runs natively on all major platforms, including mobile on Android and iOS, web, and desktop on Windows, macOS, and Linux. Making quantum physics as easy as brushing your teeth - you may not like doing it, but with the right approach, it can actually be fun!
Project website: Project site and blog
Follow the steps below to run Quantos on your machine locally (requires Flutter installation):
# Clone repo
$ git clone [email protected]:Totemi1324/Quantos
# Get packages
$ flutter pub get
# Generate assets with flutter_gen:
$ flutter packages pub run build_runner build
# Start Dart DevTools:
$ dart devtools
# Run the app in debug mode
# Make sure to select your device (browser/emulator) before executing!
$ flutter run
# You should get an output with a security token, copy it!
An Observatory debugger and profiler on iPhone X is available
Now, DevTools can be accessed at localhost:9100
in the browser. Paste your token in the dialogue to connect the app.