- Tap to Pay on iPhone只支援 iPhone XS 以上機型 和 iOS 16.7 以上版本
- 使用account holder的帳號登入申請頁面
- 依序填寫必要資訊
- 在PSP的欄位中,於下圖中框選的區域填入 "TapPay"
- 填寫完畢後送出,申請結果通知約需等待2~5個工作天
- 進入TPT2P-Example,複製TPSDKT2P.xcframework到您的專案下
- 開啟您的專案,到Build Phases下,展開Link Binary With Libraries,點擊"+"並加入TPSDKT2P.xcframework
- 新增T2P功能到開發用的Apple ID
- 登入Apple Developer帳號,點選Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles
- 在側邊欄點選Identifiers
- 從列表中選取要導入T2P功能的App
- 選擇Additional Capabilities
- 勾選T2P
- 儲存設定
- 新增配置該App ID的provisioning profile,下載並開啟,在App專案內選擇使用該provisioning profile (如果已經新增過該provisioning profile,重新下載即可)
- 新增entitlements file到App專案內
- 在App專案內新增檔案,新增一個property list
- 將檔名替換為 ___________.entitlements (檔案格式依舊為.plist),空白部分請填入App專案名稱
- 到Project Editor,點選Build Settings
- 點選All和點選Combined
- 搜尋Code Signing Entitlements
- 輸入剛剛產生的檔案的路徑
- 開啟該檔案,新增key為com.apple.developer.proximity-reader.payment.acceptance,value type為Boolean,value設定為true (P.S. 如果你的專案內已有.entitlements檔案,直接執行最後一步即可)
因收單銀行要求:為提升交易安全,交易收款需開啟定位服務,故須於Info.plist加入privacy setting "Privacy - Location When In Use Usage Description"
- 登入App Store Connect,進入到使用者與存取權限頁面
- 點選沙箱技術測試人員
- 點選+號新增測試用帳號,輸入必要資訊並建立(請使用未曾作為 Apple ID 或用來購買 iTunes 或 App Store 內容的電子郵件地址。建議你為每一位沙箱測試人員建立測試專用的電子郵件地址,詳細資訊可參考建立沙箱 Apple ID)
- 建立完成後,若要在sandbox環境測試,須於測試用的裝置登入此測試用Apple ID,並重新開機
- 屆時若需要切換為production環境測試,亦須於測試用的裝置登入非sandbox用Apple ID,並重新開機
func setupWithAppKey(appKey: String!, environment: Environment!, partnerAccount: String? = nil, isInherit: Bool? = nil) async throws
// Sample code
Task {
do {
try await TPT2PManager.shared.setupWithAppKey(appKey:"123456789", environment: .production, partnerAccount: "partnerAccount", isInherit: true)
}catch {
// error handling
Parameter | Type | Description |
appKey | String | 用於SDK的驗證金鑰 |
environment | Environment | 使用的伺服器種類 測試時請使用 Sandbox 環境 (Environment.sandbox, .sandbox) 實體上線後請切換至 Production 環境 (Environment.production, .production) |
partnerAccount | String | (Optional) Partner Account |
isInherit | Bool | (Optional) true => SDK initialize時不進行解除綁定動作。(舉例應用)APP 處於登入狀態,且沿用目前綁定之Terminal false => SDK initialize同時進行解除綁定動作。(舉例應用) 如無法確定是否有綁定或綁定資訊是否正確,建議一律解綁 |
static var isReaderBinded: Bool
// Sample code
if TPT2PReader.isReaderBinded == false {
// Need to do bind process
}else {
// Terminal is binded already with this device
// Reader is ready for configuring
func getBindingList(page: Int, countPerPage: Int, merchantAccount: String? = nil, terminalId: String? = nil) async throws -> [BindItem]?
// Sample code
Task {
do {
// Get 10 bind items per page, the first page of list
let bindList = try await TPT2PService.shared.getBindingList(page: 0, countPerPage: 10, merchantAccount: "merchantAccount", terminalId: "terminalId")
}catch {
// error handling
Parameter | Type | Description |
page | Int | 第幾頁 |
countPerPage | Int | 每頁筆數 |
acquirerMerchantId | String | (Optional) 收單機構商店代號 |
acquirerTerminalId | String | (Optional) 收單機構端末機代號 |
struct BindItem: Codable {
public let terminalId: Int
public let partnerId: Int
public let acquirerId: Int
public let acquirerName: String
public let acquirerIcon: String
public let acquirerMerchantId: String
public let acquirerTerminalId: String
public let type: Int
public let name: String?
public let description: String?
public let hash: String
Parameter | Type | Description |
terminalId | Int | 系統流水編號 |
partnerId | Int | Partner代號 |
acquirerId | Int | 收單機構代號 |
acquirerName | Int | 收單機構名稱 |
acquirerIcon | String | 收單機構圖示 |
acquirerMerchantId | String | 收單機構商店代號 |
acquirerTerminalId | String | 端末機代號 |
type | Int | 收單類型 0 : 一般交易 1 : 分期交易 2 : 一般/分期交易 |
name | String | 簽單顯示名稱 |
description | String | 端末機描述 |
hash | String | 綁定資訊 |
func bind(bindItem: BindItem, description: String?) async throws
// Sample code
Task {
do {
try await TPT2PService.shared.bind(bindItem: BindItem(), description: "123456")
}catch {
// error handling
Parameter | Type | Description |
bindItem | BindItem | 綁定資訊 |
description | String | 端末機備註 |
func bindDelete() async throws
// Sample code
Task {
do {
try await TPT2PService.shared.bindDelete()
}catch {
// error handling
func configureReader() async throws
// Sample code
Task {
do {
try await TPT2PReader.shared.configureReader()
}catch {
// error handling
protocol TPT2PReaderDelegate {
func startConfiguring(reader: TPT2PReader)
// Sample code
class ViewController: UIViewController, TPT2PReaderDelegate {
override func viewDidLoad() {
TPT2PReader.shared().delegate = self
func startConfiguring(reader: TPT2PReader) {
// Do something when reader started configuring, ex. show indicator
protocol TPT2PReaderDelegate {
func endConfiguring(reader: TPT2PReader, error: TPT2PError?)
// Sample code
class ViewController: UIViewController, TPT2PReaderDelegate {
override func viewDidLoad() {
TPT2PReader.shared().delegate = self
func endConfiguring(reader: TPSDKT2P.TPT2PReader, error: TPSDKT2P.TPT2PError?) {
// Do something when reader finished configuring
protocol TPT2PReaderDelegate {
func readerEventDidUpdated(event: (TPT2PReader.Event)?)
// Sample code
class ViewController: UIViewController, TPT2PReaderDelegate {
override func viewDidLoad() {
TPT2PReader.shared().delegate = self
func readerEventDidUpdated(event: (TPSDKT2P.TPT2PReader.Event)?) {
// You can get reader events after updated here, for example
if case .updateProgress(let percentage) = event {
// Show a progress bar by percentage when the reader needs to update for seconds
// Sample code
class ViewController: UIViewController {
override func viewDidLoad() {
let tapToPayButton = TPT2PReaderButton()
// The recommand width is 343, and you don't have to setup height because the button designed with a fix ratio
tapToPayButton.frame = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 343, height: 0)
tapToPayButton.center = view.center
tapToPayButton.onClick = {
// You can call read readCardAndAuthorization() in this closure
可以先透過 SDK 取得支援的發卡機構與分期期數,再由 APP 前端提供使用者選擇「發卡機構」、「期數」及支援的「分期產品代碼」,如:3期分期的產品代碼請帶入0300;12期分期的產品代碼請帶入1200。
func getInstallmentInfo() async throws -> [IssuerItem]?
// Sample code
Task {
do {
let transactionResult = try await TPT2PService.shared.getInstallmentInfo
}catch {
// error handling
struct IssuerItem: Codable {
public let issuerCode: String?
public let name: String?
public let displayName: String?
public let icon: String?
public let codes:[CodeItem]?
Parameter | Type | Description |
issuerCode | String | 發卡行代碼 |
name | String | 發卡行名稱 |
displayName | String | 發卡行顯示名稱 |
icon | String | 發卡行icon |
codes | Array | 所支援的分期產品代碼 |
struct CodeItem: Codable {
public let code: String
public let period: Int
public let name: String
public let description: String?
Parameter | Type | Description |
code | String | 分期產品代碼 |
period | Int | 分期期數 |
displayName | String | 發卡行顯示名稱 |
name | String | 分期名稱 |
description | String | 分期描述 |
func readCardAndAuthorization(amount: Decimal, installmentCode: String? = nil, orderNumber: String? = nil, bankTransactionId: String? = nil) async throws -> Transaction?
// Sample code
Task {
do {
let transactionResult = try await TPT2PReader.shared.readCardAndAuthorization(amount: 100, installmentCode: "0300" orderNumber: "orderNumber", bankTransactionId: "bankTransactionId")
}catch {
// error handling
Parameter | Type | Description |
amount | Decimal | 交易金額 |
installmentCode | String | (Optional) 分期產品代碼 範例:3期:0300 |
orderNumber | String | (Optional) 訂單編號(商戶系統帶入) |
bankTransactionId | String | (Optional) 銀行交易編號 |
struct Transaction: Codable {
public let receiptId: String
public let transactionId: String
public let bankTransactionId: String
public let orderNumber: String
public let state: Int
public let createTime: CLong
public let amount: Double
public let currency: String
public let cardMask : String
public let authCode: String
public let needSignature: Bool
Parameter | Type | Description |
receiptId | String | 簽單編號 |
transactionId | String | 交易編號 |
bankTransactionId | String | 銀行交易編號 |
orderNumber | String | 訂單編號(商戶系統帶入) |
state | Int | 交易狀態 -1 : ERROR 0 : AUTH_SUCCESS 1 : SETTLE_SUCCESS 3 : CANCEL_SUCCESS |
createTime | CLong | 訂單時間 |
amount | Double | 交易金額 |
currency | String | 幣別 |
cardMask | String | 卡號資訊(屏蔽) |
authCode | String | 授權碼 |
needSignature | Bool | 交易需要簽名與否 |
func func cancelReadProcess() async throws
// Sample code
Task {
do {
try await TPT2PReader.shared.cancelReadProcess()
}catch {
// error handling
func createElectronicSignature(receiptIdentifier: String, signCanvas: PKCanvasView) async throws
// Sample code
Task {
do {
try await TPT2PService.shared.createElectronicSignature(receiptIdentifier: "123", signCanvas: PKCanvasView())
}catch {
// error handling
Parameter | Type | Description |
receiptIdentifier | String | 簽單編號 |
signCanvas | PKCanvasView | 簽名 |
func getReceipt(receiptIdentifier: String, type: Int, email: String?) async throws -> String
// Sample code
Task {
do {
let receiptUrl = try await TPT2PService.shared.getReceipt(receiptIdentifier: "123456", type: 1, email: "[email protected]")
}catch {
// error handling
Parameter | Type | Description |
receiptIdentifier | String | 簽單編號 |
type | Int | 簽單瀏覽格式 1 : html 2 : pkpass |
String | 欲收到簽單的信箱 |
Parameter | Type | Description |
receiptUrl | String | 簽單URL |
func getReceiptList(transactionIdentifier: String, transactionType: [TransactionType]? = nil) async throws -> ReceiptList?
// Sample code
Task {
do {
let receiptList = try await TPT2PService.shared.getReceiptList(transactionIdentifier: "XXX", transactionType: [.sale, .void])
}catch {
// error handling
Parameter | Type | Description |
transactionIdentifier | String | 交易編號 |
transactionType | TransactionType | 簽單類型 sale : 銷售 void : 取消授權 |
Parameter | Type | Description |
receiptId | String | 簽單編號 |
transactionType | TransactionType | 簽單類型 sale : 銷售 void : 取消授權 |
createTime | CLong | 簽單產生時間 |
amount | Double | 交易金額 |
currency | String | 幣別 |
needSignature | Bool | 交易需要簽名與否 |
receiptUrl | String | 簽單Url |