1.Install Required packages through pip --reference the docker file or run the following commnd in your terminal.
pip install -r requirements.pip
2.Locate the tagging.py file in the chatterbot library (after installing the LLM through pip) tagging.py file in a text editor.
It should be around line 13, similar to this:
self.nlp = spacy.load(self.language.ISO_639_1.lower())
self.nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_sm")
5.Make sure to replace "en_core_web_sm" with the appropriate model name for your language if you're not using English.
6.If you still encounter any issues, make sure to verify that you have installed the correct version of spaCy and the required language model (en_core_web_sm for English) as
The app docker image is on docker hub run the following command to pull the docker image
docker pull flatfourwrx/chatbot:latest
Then run on docker
docker run -p 5000:5000 flatfourwrx/chatbot:latest
Or run in a kubernetes cluster. make sure kubectl is installed then run the following command
kubectl apply -f k8-chatbot.yml
kubectl port-forward deployment/chatbot 5000:8089