History Release
TSK-746: Add simple history event tracking to update and create task method
TSK-1069: taskana admin > classifications: NaN priority
TSK-1083: Upgrade hateoas in taskana-rest-spring
TSK-1127: Pagination error - Selecting value other than Number
TSK-1180: Convert Hamcrest Asserts to Junit5 Assertionas (so that the convert script from assertJ is running)
TSK-1182: Fix disabled architecture tests
TSK-1187: Restructuring the Administration component
TSK-1188: Enable Combo-filter for tasks
TSK-1189: Restructuring the Workplace component
TSK-1190: Restructuring the Monitor component
TSK-1191: Restructuring the Shared modules
TSK-1192: Role-model for ADAPTER
TSK-1195: Secure the deleteTasks method in TaskServiceImpl
TSK-1197: Harmonize collation for database types
TSK-1198: Workbasket - All custom fields display the value from custom4
TSK-1199: adapt alert handling to error handling and use global notification handler
TSK-1205: Refine the toasts and popups with a more streamlined solution
TSK-1206: Create a meaningful ldif file to reflect a typical user and group structure
TSK-1207: allow tests to run multiple times with different accessIds
TSK-1208: Adapt the new HATEOAS terminology
TSK-1209: Refactor the package structure of taskana-rest-spring
TSK-1211: The test classes TaskHistoryEventControllerIntTest and TaskHistoryEventResourceAssemblerTest have test failures on macOS/Linux
TSK-1217: Remove orphaned titles.json
TSK-1218: Prevent unsecure access to TASKANA
TSK-1224: Remove year from customHoliday customization
TSK-1232: Replace ID Columns with VARCHAR
TSK-1233: Remove the unused serialization package from taskana.rest.resource
TSK-1238: Bump version.spring from 5.2.5.RELEASE to 5.2.6.RELEASE
TSK-1241: Create a bot reminding us to update the documentation on each PR
TSK-1242: Prefix id's of workbaskets in test-data
TSK-1243: Make rest schema consistent for workbasket-distributionTargets
TSK-1244: Task creation computes planned date after due date
TSK-1246: Fix UpdateTaskComment in TaskCommentService
TSK-1249: Wrong driver class name in file taskana-rest-spring-example-wildfly/src/test/resources/project-defaults.yml
TSK-1251: Upgrade hateoas to 1.1.0
TSK-1252: Fix new code smells from the last 30 days