Currently live in Cusco, Peru. Born and raised in Israel, with roots in Sweden and the UK. An average hiker who likes exploring new cultures and nature & pretty good cook. Currently a web developer focused on Javascript, mostly front-end. On a journey building my own online business and learning on my way up. Have a keen eye for UI, UX & design in general.
Interested and open to new ideas on bettering rural communities through internet and/or new forms of education.
- 🔥 React & Next.js
♥️ Node- 💻 HTML, CSS & JS
- 🔭 Currently working on a localized digital platform for hiring professionals.
- 🌱 Learning Flutter, Figma, Deno and other backend technologies.
- 👯 Looking to collaborate on new ideas on bettering rural communities through internet and/or new forms of education.