169 commits
to master
since this release
- Fix the issue of the pinned message list returning in the wrong order
- Fix the issue of incorrect parsing of the Tips type of pinned messages
- Fix the issue of log writing failure on some Android phones
- Fix the occasional incomplete retrieval of group roaming messages from old to new
- Fix the occasional inability to retrieve local messages when pulling historical messages from topics
- Fix the issue where sessions deleted from the conversation group are reactivated after logging in again
- 修复置顶消息列表返回顺序错乱的问题
- 修复置顶消息 Tips 类型解析错误的问题
- 修复部分安卓手机日志写入失败的问题
- 修复从旧向新拉取群漫游消息,偶现拉取不全的问题
- 修复从话题拉取历史消息,偶现拉不到本地消息的问题
- 修复删除会话分组里的会话之后,再次登录又被激活的问题