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[EN] Information about Firmalife
The leaf mat is a simple block that you can use for drying items, typically food, in Firmalife. It is crafted with three fruit leaves, which are obtained by breaking the leaves of any fruit tree. To use it, just right click with the item you want to dry, and wait for it to change. If it rains, the item will take significantly longer to dry, and you're better off using shift+right-click to pick the item up and start over.
The Oven is used to make bake things in Firmalife. A lot of default TFC recipes are removed in favor of using this oven, such as baking bread. There are three different blocks that make up the Oven multiblock: the Oven, Oven Chimney, and Oven Wall. These are all obtained through knapping:
The rules for constructing an oven are as follows:
- Any oven block must be adjacent on either side to either an oven or a wall.
- Walls must have their flat side touching the oven.
- Each oven needs access to a chimney within two blocks to each side.
- Chimneys must be at least 3 blocks tall.
This is the simplest oven you can construct:
Chimneys can be two blocks to the left or right, if you like:
In order for your oven to be functional, you must cure the oven. Ovens can accept any fuel that TFC will accept in a firepit (typically this is charcoal, logs, or peat). All fuels burn at the same rate and temperature, producing the same end product - all fuels are the same and will always be consumed after the recipe completes. Even though you can put any item in the fuel slots (the back two slots of the oven), only fuel items will allow the oven to light. If you try to light an oven without the correct fuel or with only one fuel, it uses up the durability on your firestarter without a fire starting.
To cure your oven, put a piece of straw in the input slot in the front, with two pieces of fuel in the back, and light it. You can put stuff inside the oven with right click. When an oven is cured, it will also attempt to cure any adjacent walls or chimneys, but each oven block must cure itself. Make sure you cure all ovens in your structure before using them, or else your items might be lost! Below is the result of curing just one oven:
Ovens have no limit to how long they can be, provided they follow the above rules. However, don't be surprised if stuff doesn't work exactly right if you make a 100 block long oven! Longer ovens are more efficient. While you must be sure to use a robust fuel like logs to initially light an oven, that oven's fire immediately spreads to adjacent ovens with something in the fuel slots, regardless of the item (saplings, straw, your pick, dirt, etc - destroying whatever is in the fuel slot at the end of the cook time). So, 5 ovens in a row will burn up 2 logs and 8 straw to cook 5 loafs of bread, or to cure all 5 ovens (and adjacent oven walls and chimneys). Here's an example of a valid complete oven:
If your oven has been used recently, you can't take stuff out with your bare hands (unless you want to take damage). The solution is to craft a Peel, and right click on the oven using that, in order to avoid hurting yourself:
Ovens will heat each other through their warmth. That means, you can light one oven, and the rest will not need fuel, and will in fact light themselves!
The greenhouse is a multiblock that follows a set of rules. There is no theoretical limit to how large a greenhouse can be, given the rules are followed. that said, I have hardcoded a very large limit just to be safe.
There are a few blocks you need to understand in order to make a greenhouse:
The Climate Station
The climate station is the brain of your greenhouse. You'll notice it either appears icy or watery in the front. If your climate station turns to ice, your crops are going to die! The climate station must be placed in the corner of the greenhouse, with the ice/water part facing in the direction the roof slopes up and down.
he climate station randomly updates itself, but if you'd like to force an update, right click it. This also has the effect of 'updating' all greenhouse-related blocks inside.
Climate stations can be upgraded 5 times, sequentially, via crafting:
Tier 0: The default climate station Tier 1: Visualizes the greenhouse's protected region, and the location of incorrect blocks, when right-clicked. Tier 2: Planters grow slightly faster Tier 3: Enable growing grains in large planters Tier 4: Enable growing fruit trees in bonsai pots Tier 5: Spouts and Sprinklers get watered automatically
The Greenhouse Wall
The greenhouse wall should make up the sides of your greenhouse. The walls should be 3 high, and form a 'seal' around the greenhouse. A proper greenhouse wall is touching the interior but is not in it, i.e. no part of the block the greenhouse wall is on should be considered indoors. You know you placed it correctly if the walls meet snugly in the corner.
For a greenhouse wall to work as a wall, it needs glass. Right click with some glass panes to fill it up.
The Greenhouse Door
The door can be placed on the front and back walls (where the roof forms its triangle shape). It should be placed flush with the walls around it.
The Greenhouse Roof
The roof should essentially form a staircase leading from one block up and in from the top of the wall, to the top, and then back down. If your roof is an odd number of blocks wide, the top block must be right clicked with a hammer to form a 'slab' block to even the transition. Note that this is required if your roof is an odd number of blocks wide.
Note that planters placed within the roof aren't valid.
Watering Can
The watering can is the only device that will water your planters. to refill it, sit in some water and hold and release right click.
The Quad Planter
The quad planter is what you use to grow food in the greenhouse. It needs to be in a valid greenhouse to function. It will accept these crops: beet, cabbage, carrot, garlic, onion, potato, soybean. Crops in the quad planter will grow as long as you water them regularly and they are in a valid greenhouse. Shift click to take grown crops out.
Note that the quad planter may take a few seconds to update when you right click it. There's nothing I can do about this, sorry.
The Large Planter
The large planter works the same as the quad, but only holds one plant. It will accept these crops: both bell peppers, sugarcane, tomato, jute, and green beans. It will accept grains if you have a tier 3 climate station.
The Hanging Planter
Squash, melon, and pumpkin seeds can be crafted with a greenhouse wall to make a hanging planter. They are meant to be horizontal beams going across the top of your greenhouse, anchoring on each wall. Hanging planters don't have to be watered, and will regularly produce food as long as the greenhouse is valid
Trellises are used for bushes. Craft a trellis block with a bush to get started. Place it on the ground in your greenhouse. In 30 days, it will grow fruit. This can be harvested. If you wait 20 more days, leaving the fruit on the bush, it will grow vertically if there's an empty trellis to grow into.
You can then shift right click to remove the new bush, or leave it to grow some more.
Bonsai Pots
Bonsai Pots grow fruit trees. Craft a large planter with a sapling, and let it go. You need a Tier 4 climate station in order for it to work. These give 3 fruit on harvest, but grow much slower.
Spouts and Sprinklers
Spouts and Sprinklers are your tools for automatic watering of planters. They require a barrel of fresh water (or if playing with other mods, some kind of tank or pipe). Spouts will only water the block in the column below, up to a few blocks below. Sprinklers will water a 5x5 area around, centered on the sprinkler. You can tell if it's working by the particle effect. Tier 5 climate stations will remove the need to supply it with water.
The smoke rack is used for preserving meat and cheese. To use it, place wool yarn in a line between two blocks. Then, place a campfire directly under the string. Right click to put food on the rack and smoke it. Keep the fire tended for 8 hours, making sure to only use logs (not peat or sticks!).
To smoke meat, it must be uncooked and be brined. Cheese has no such requirement.
Note that smoking food resets its decay and greatly extends its lifetime. It is a very powerful mechanic.
The beehive is crafted from treated lumber, which is made from soaking lumber in olive oil.
You do not have to find bees. Instead, you attract them. Do this by placing a beehive and placing flowers around it. Beehives will check a cube extending one block above and below, as well as four blocks to each side. You can substitute flowers with flowerpots, or greenhouses devices like planters. You know when a beehive has attracted bees due to the generated particle effect.
Beehives will produce roughly every 3 days, as long as it is either outside with a daily temperature of at least 10 degrees, or is in a valid greenhouse. This means that you can place a beehive in a greenhouse and feed it off of the planters.
To harvest from a beehive, either right click on it to get honey, or right click with a knife to get honeycomb. Honey is a sugar substitute. Honeycombs have no current use.
When you harvest from a beehive, make sure it's at night, or there is a firepit placed either directly below or down one and to the side. Otherwise you will get swarmed. When you have the swarm effect, run underwater to avoid taking damage.
Cheese is a good source of dairy, as well as a means of storing a food source for long periods of time.
To start, get yourself two buckets (2000mB) of Milk, a piece of Rennet from the stomach of ruminant animals (Cows, deer, goats, etc.), and a Cheesecloth or two.
- Put the milk and rennet in a barrel and seal it to produce Curdled Milk.
- Now to separate the curds from the whey, take your cheesecloth and grab some Curdled Milk. The Cheesecloth can hold half a bucket (500mB) at a time. Right click on a surface to drain the whey, leaving behind some delicious Curds.
- Either eat the curds quickly before they decay away (great on toast) or salt them for aging. You have the choice, dry salting or salt bathing.
a. Take three Curds and craft it with six Salt to make a hard Cheesewheel.
b. Take three Curds and seal it in a barrel with Salt Water (750mB) to make a soft Cheesewheel.
- Place your Cheesewheel in the world to start the aging process! It takes a considerable amount of time to age cheese, but your patience will be rewarded with a tastier and longer lasting slice of cheese. Each wheel holds 4 slices, you can cut one off by right clicking it with a knife. Once a Cheesewheel is cut however - it will stop aging!