A tool to migration elasticsearch index from one index to another index (can be different cluster). You can custom the docs that you want to migrate.
modify conf.json
{ "source": { "host": "source_host", # source index's es host "index": "source_index", # source index "type": "source_type", # source type "size_per_handle": 500, # doc count per fetch and bulk index "scroll_alive": "1m", # scroll alive time "dsl": {} # search dsl }, "target": { "host": "target_host", # target index's es host "index": "target_index", # target index "type": "target_type", # target type "index_thread_num": 10 # number of thread to bulk index }, "copy_mapping": true # whether need copy mapping from source index to target index, you can set this value false to set target index mapping manually }
custom docs (if necessary)
- MigTargetEs#handle_id: custom id. Return None to ignore this doc.
- MigTargetEs#handle_source: custom source. Return None to ignore this doc.
python run.py
1%| | 8000/1381557 [00:15<41:38, 549.85it/s]
It works well under these environment:
- os: macOS Mojave 10.14
- python: 3.6.5
- elasticsearch: 2.2.0, 6.2.3