A fast way to build ElasticSearch query dsl string, even without writing implement code.
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You can integrate it in your project with these steps:
Complete the search criteria DTO MySearchCirteria(add correct @annotation on the field)
public class MySearchCirteria { @Must @Match private String name; }
Complete the query builder class MyQueryBuilder extending the BaseQueryBuilder, with specifing MySearchCirteria as the generics class
public class MyQueryBuilder extends BaseQueryBuilder<MySearchCriteria> { }
Invoke MyQueryBuilder#build to build the query string
public class TestQueryBuilder { public static void main(String[] args) { // instance MyQueryBuilder MyQueryBuilder myQueryBuilder = new MyQueryBuilder(); // instance MySearchCriteria MySearchCriteria mySearchCriteria = new MySearchCriteria(); mySearchCriteria.setName("jack"); // invoke build method String dsl = myQueryBuilder.build(mySearchCriteria); // enjoy it! System.out.println(dsl); } }
{ "from": 0, "size": 20, "query": { "bool": { "must": [ { "match": { "name": { "query": "jack", "operator": "OR", "prefix_length": 0, "max_expansions": 50, "fuzzy_transpositions": true, "lenient": false, "zero_terms_query": "NONE", "auto_generate_synonyms_phrase_query": true, "boost": 1 } } } ], "adjust_pure_negative": true, "boost": 1 } } }
fast-elasticsearch-query-builder generates dsl based on org.elasticsearch-elasticsearch-6.3.0
fast-elasticsearch-query-builder privides two kinds of annotation to build query string: Function Annotation and Query Annotation.
Annotation | Field Type | Function | Parameters |
@Higilighters | Collection<String> | set highlight | type: the highlight type |
@PageNo | Integer | set from | - |
@PageSize | Integer | set size | - |
@Sort | List<Sortable> | set sort, you should implement Sortable interface | - |
@Source | Collection<String> | set _source.includes | - |
from + size <= max_result_window
Annotation | Field Type | Function | Parameters |
@CardinalityAggregation | Boolean | set cardinality aggregation | name: aggregation name field: aggregation field precisionThreshold: precision threshold |
@ExtendedStatsAggregation | Boolean | set extended stats aggregation | name: aggregation name field: aggregation field |
@StatsAggregation | Boolean | set stats aggregation | name: aggregation name field: aggregation field |
@TermsAggregation | Integer | set terms aggregation | name: aggregation name field: aggregation field maxSize: max value of the field order: buckets' order executionHint: mechanisms of aggregations execution |
To build query clause. It includes Query Context Annotation and Query Type Annotation, and they must be used together.
Decides how Query Type Annotation affect the hits (just filter the hits or affect the score).
Annotation | Function |
@Must | set must query |
@MustNot | set must_not query |
@Should | set should query |
@Filter | set filter query |
@Or | will be converted to should clause in filter query , like or in sql |
@OrNot | will be converted to should.mustNot clause in filter query 中的 should.mustNot, like or not in sql |
@Or and @OrNot are not standard query context in Elasticsearch
Decides the behavior of search.
Annotation | Field Type | Function | Parameters |
@Match | - | set match query | fieldName: the index field name using in building query, default to the field name that the annotation works on operator: control boolean clause (or / and) |
@MatchPhrase | - | set match phrase query | fieldName: the index field name using in building query, default to the field name that the annotation works on analyzer: analyzer slop: term slop |
@Term | - | set term query | fieldName: the index field name using in building query, default to the field name that the annotation works on |
@Terms | Collection<?> | set terms query | fieldName: the index field name using in building query, default to the field name that the annotation works on |
@Range | Number | set range query | fieldName: the index field name using in building query, default to the field name that the annotation works on type: boundary type (from / to) includedBoundary: whether includes boundary |
@Exists | Boolean | set exists query | fieldName: the index field name using in building query, default to the field name that the annotation works on |
@Wildcard | - | set wildcard query | fieldName: the index field name using in building query, default to the field name that the annotation works on |
AbstractQueryBuilder#build flow chart like this:
You can custom your query in the abstract method.
For example,you can custon filter query like this:
protected void customFilterQueries(List<QueryBuilder> filterQueries,
StuSearchCriteria stuSearchCriteria) {
// custom query that generated not through annotation
.ifPresent(t -> filterQueries.add(termQuery("customFilterField", t)));
You can see more detail usage in the demo under the test/