Modify the DevForum Experience to Your Specific Wants/Needs
DevForums Modified is a User Style that allows users to customize various aspects of the DevFourms website, enabling you to personalize the website according to your preferences. This grants suers greater control over their browsing experience, allowing them to adapt the website's apperance and functionality to better suit their needs and preferences.
This extension (for the most part) works with DevForum Condensed.
DevFourm Modified Mobile is another version of DevForum Modified that brings the same user control on DevForum Modified to the "Mobile View"/Mobile Experience. If you're viewing the DevForum on mobile and have a mobile browser that accepts the use of extensions, it's recommended to use this over the main DevForum Modified Style as I cannot gaurantee that things will appear/work as intended (as DevForum Modified is specifically tailoired to the Desktop View.)