Write a time_it function that can measure the average runtime of any given function over a specified number of repetitions. The function should be flexible enough to accept any function with its arguments and keyword arguments. It should return the average time taken for the function to execute.
def time*it(fn, *args, repetitions=1, **kwargs): total_time = 0.0 for * in range(repetitions): start_time = time.perf_counter() fn(*args, **kwargs) end_time = time.perf_counter() total_time += end_time - start_time avg_time = total_time / repetitions return avg_time
def squared_power_list(number, start=0, end=5): return [number ** i for i in range(start, end+1)]
def polygon_area(side_length, sides=3): from math import tan, pi return (sides _ side_length ** 2) / (4 _ tan(pi / sides))
def temp_converter(temp, temp_given_in='c'): if temp_given_in == 'c': return (temp _ 9/5) + 32 # Celsius to Fahrenheit elif temp_given_in == 'f': return (temp - 32) _ 5/9 # Fahrenheit to Celsius
def speed_converter(speed, dist='km', time='hr'): # Convert speed to km/h first if dist == 'm': speed _= 0.001 elif dist == 'ft': speed _= 0.0003048 elif dist == 'yrd': speed _= 0.0009144 # Convert time to hours if time == 'ms': speed _= 3600000 elif time == 's': speed _= 3600 elif time == 'min': speed _= 60 elif time == 'day': speed /= 24 return speed
print(time_it(print, 1, 2, 3, sep='-', end=' ***\n', repetitions=5)) print(time_it(squared_power_list, 2, start=0, end=5, repetitions=5)) print(time_it(polygon_area, 15, sides=3, repetitions=10)) print(time_it(temp_converter, 100, temp_given_in='f', repetitions=100)) print(time_it(speed_converter, 100, dist='km', time='min', repetitions=200))
A total of 1 function time_it and various example functions are implemented to demonstrate its usage.
- Measures the average runtime of a function over a specified number of repetitions.
- Returns the average time taken for the function to execute.
- squared_power_list: Returns a list of powers of a given number.
- polygon_area: Calculates the area of a polygon given its side length and number of sides.
- temp_converter: Converts temperature between Celsius and Fahrenheit.
- speed_converter: Converts speed given in km/h to other units.
Unit test file test_time_it.py must contain at least 25 tests and they must not be repetitive. Some of the tests it must implement are:
- Measure the time for a simple print statement repeated multiple times.
- Measure the time for calculating a list of powers.
- Measure the time for calculating the area of a polygon.
- Measure the time for temperature conversion.
- Measure the time for speed conversion.
import unittest from time_it_script import time_it, squared_power_list, polygon_area, temp_converter, speed_converter
class TestTimeIt(unittest.TestCase):
def test_print_function(self): self.assertIsInstance(time_it(print, 1, 2, 3, sep='-', end=' ***\n', repetitions=5), float)
def test_squared_power_list(self): self.assertIsInstance(time_it(squared_power_list, 2, start=0, end=5, repetitions=5), float)
def test_polygon_area(self): self.assertIsInstance(time_it(polygon_area, 15, sides=3, repetitions=10), float)
def test_temp_converter(self): self.assertIsInstance(time_it(temp_converter, 100, temp_given_in='f', repetitions=100), float)
def test_speed_converter(self): self.assertIsInstance(time_it(speed_converter, 100, dist='km', time='min', repetitions=200), float)
if name == 'main': unittest.main()
- time.perf_counter(): High-resolution timer used to measure time intervals.
- unittest: Python's standard library for writing and running tests.