This is command line tool test data generator project based on online solution
When you generate test data online at your browser can only generate up to 50-100K rows, then it hangs. This tool is a good alternative if you want to generate MILLIONS test data rows, using the same definition syntax as used in online web service.
- list header of columns
- columns definition from (or see below "Allowed Keywords")
- number of rows to generate
- output file path
node generator.js "email,firstname,lastname,age,street,city,state,zip,digid,birthday,lat,long,farvorite,code" "email,first,last,age,street,city,state,zip,digid,date(3),latitude,longitude,pick(RED|BLUE|YELLOW|GREEN|WHITE),string" 10000 out1.csv
Keyword: Description
age: person's age 1 to 120
alpha alpha(n): string of letters a to z mixed case and if n specified then exactly n length long, i.e. alpha(5)
birthday: date of birth in mm/dd/yyyy format or birthday(2) for dd/mm/yyyy
bool: true or false
char: 1 single character of a letter or digits or !@#$%^&*()
city: cities
ccnumber: Credit Card Number
date date(2) or date(3) or date(4): date in mm/dd/yyyy format or
date(2) for dd/mm/yyyy or date(3) for yyyy/mm/dd or date(4) for yyyymmdd digit digit(n): digit - 5-20 digits
digits(n) where n is a number will generate a string exactly that long, i.e. digit(5) See also: integer,float,natural, seq
dollar: Dollar amount in format of $99999.99
domain: domain name
email: dummy email address
first: First name
float: Floating/Real number with at most 4 digits to right of decimal See also: integer,natural,seq,digit
gender: Male or Female
integer: Integer value - includes negatives. See also: natural,float,seq,digit
last: Last name
latitude: Latitude
longitude: Longitude
mi: middle initial - 1 letter
name: full person's name
natural natural(n): Integer value 0 or above, or
natural(n) where n is maximum integer value See also: integer,float,seq,digit
paragraph: paragraph of words - 3 to 7 sentences
phone: US phone number 999-999-9999
pick(pick1|pick2|...): choose one of choices separated by |
postal: Canadian postal (see also province)
province: Canadian pronvince (see also postal)
seq seq(n): numeric integer sequence starting at 1 or n and incremented by 1
seq(n) - sequence starts at integer n, i.e. seq(1000)
sentence: sentence words - 12 to 18 words
state: state
street: street address
string string(n): random string value of letters,digits, and !@#$%^&*()
string(n) where n is length. word: words - 5-6 letters
yn: Y or N
zip: 5 digit US zip code
zip9: 9 digit US zip code in 99999-9999 format