Python Rust/WebAssembly
Common Gateway Interface and WSGI (Web Server API)
Python- PEP 3333 (Python Web Server Gateway Interface)
- Gunicorn (Python WSGI HTTP Server for UNIX), Gunicorn Python Warehouse, and Gunicorn GitHub
- WSGI Read the Docs
- uWsgi GitHub and uWsgi Docs
- uWSGI: Setting up Django and your web server with uWSGI and nginx
ASGI (WSGI is for synchronous Python apps, ASGI is for both asynchronous and synchronous apps)
asgiref (ASGI in-memory channel layer)
Channels ASGI
Uvicorn (ASGI Server); See also Daphne
Starlette (ASGI Framework)
API Star
Tornado and Twisted
- Tornado (asynchronous networking library) and GitHub Tornado
- Twisted and Twisted GitHub
- Amber Brown: "50,000,000 Twisted Downloads Can't Be Wrong"
Eventlet and Greenlet
Async DEP
Google Groups
Major Talks
- Andrew Godwin: "Just Add Await: Retrofitting Async Into Django" (DjangoCon US 2019
- Andrew Godwin: "Just Add Await: Retrofitting Async Into Django" (PyCon AU 2019
- Tom Christie: "Sketching out a Django Redesign" (DjangoCon Europe 2019)
- Andrew Godwin: "Taking Django Async" (DjangoCon Europe 2018)
- Andrew Godwin: "Taking Django Async" (PyCon 2018)
Async Added to Django 3.0
Important Blog Posts
- Andrew Godwin: "A Django Async Roadmap"
- Andrew Godwin: "Python & Async Simplified"
- Andrew Godwin: "Beyond Request-Response"
Django Async- General
Django Channels (Built on ASGI)
- Channels and Channels GitHub
- Channels Examples GitHub
- Daphne (Django Channels HTTP/WebSocket Server)
Django API Star
Duck Typing
Strong and Weak Typing
Type Hints
Static Typing Tools
- Python Mypy GitHub
- Python Typeshed GitHub
- Dropbox: PyAnnotate GitHub
- Dropbox: MyPy PyCharm Plugin
- Facebook: Pyre Check GitHub
- Google: Pytype GitHub
- Instagram: Monkey Type GitHub
- Microsoft: Pyright GitHub
Django Static Typing Tools
Data Classes