- Django News (Jeff and William S. Vincent) and Django Store
- Django Chat Podcast (Carlton Gibson and William S. Vincent)
- The Microsoft Store Package
- "Who put Python in the Windows 10 May 2019 Update?"
- "Future versions of macOS won't include scripting language runtimes by default... "
- "This is a huge step forward in #Python 3 adoption on Linux!"
Python Software Foundation (PSF) People
Django Software Foundation (DSF) People (Not Specifically Developer)
Django People- Current
Django People- Historical
CPython Experts Index
Mailing List and Permissions History
- Python Core Workflow Mailing List
- Permissions History
- Developer Log
- Core Developer Motivations and Affiliations
- Core Developer Office Hours
CPython Bugs Dashboard
CPython Pull Requests
Official CPython Contributing Guides
- PEP 537 -- Python 3.7 Release Schedule
- PEP 429 -- Python 3.4 Release Schedule
- PEP 373 -- Python 2.7 Release Schedule
Release Managers
Python Status
- "Status of Python CIs (buildbots, Travis CI, AppVeyor): July 2018"
- Python Status
- Python Status History
- CPython Travis CI
CPython Dev Stuff
- Alternate URL: CPython Dev Guide Read the Docs, and CPython Dev Guide GitHub
- How to Become a Core Developer- Python Developer's Guide
- PEP 0007 Style Guide for C Code
Victor Stinner CPython Contributing Guides
- Victor Stinner: Python Development Documentation
- Victor Stinner: "Welcome to Tutorial to contribute to the CPython project’s documentation!"
Sprint PR Tool
Core Workflow Tools
Issues PEP
- PEP 581 -- Using GitHub Issues for CPython
- PEP 581 -- Using GitHub Issues for CPython is Accepted
- PEP 588 -- GitHub Issues Migration Plan
- LWN: "Using GitHub Issues for Python"
CPython GitHub Migration
Python Environment
- xkcd: Python Environment
- Brett Cannon: Deconstructions xkcd: Python Environment
- Guido van Rossum on Python Environment
- Guido van Rossum: "All the time! Just now I had to... "
- Jacob Kaplan-Moss: "I've literally given up on ideas... "
- Carlton Gibson: "I have to force push about 8 times every time... "
Regression Test Suite For Python Core Developers
C Programming Language
Visualizing How Python Works
CPython Source Code Guide
PyLadies CPython Source Code Resource Issue
Yet another guided tour of CPython
CPython Internals
- Pablo Salgado: "The Soul of the Beast" YouTube and Pablo Salgado: "The Soul of the Beast"
- Philip Guo- CPython Internals and Philip Guo- CPython Internals YouTube
- Philip Guo- CPython Internals Course Website
- Yaniv Aknin: Python’s Internals Tag, Yaniv Aknin: Python’s Innards: Introduction, Python’s Innards, and Python’s Innards: For My Wife
- Stéphane Wirtel: "Exploring Our Python Interpreter"
- Larry Hastings: "Stepping Through CPython"
- Allison Kaptur: "Bytes in the Machine: Inside the CPython interpreter"
- Eli Bendersky: Python Internals Tag
- Emily Morehouse CPython Guide and CPython Notes
Core- Design of the CPython Compiler
Python Virtual Machine
Python Internals
PEG Parser
Types of Parsers
Python Language Summits
Python Core Sprint 2018
- Python Blog "CPython Core Developer Sprint 2018"
- Mariatta: Part 1 and Mariatta: Part 2
- Victor Stinner
Python Core Sprint 2016
Python Sprints
CPython Docs
Django Docs
Django GitHub
Django Pull Requests
Django Bug Tracker, Wiki, and Development Dashboard
Django and Python Contributing
Django Core Mentorship
Django Developers Mailing Lists, Forum and Slack
Django Software
Django Tickets
Django Roadmaps
Release Process
Release Cadence
Django Blog and Announcements
New Releases
Release Notes
- Release Notes
- Django 2.2 Release Notes
- Django 2.1 Release Notes
- Django 2.0 Release Notes
- Django 1.11 Release Notes
Supported Versions
Upgrading and Choices
- Upgrading Django to a Newer Version
- What Python Version Should I Use with Django
- Should I Use the Stable Version or Development Version
Python and Django Git Bootcamps and Cheat Sheets
Django Project Governance Model
Django Triage & Review Team
Carlton Gibson's Talks
- Carlton Gibson: Your Framework Needs You (DjangoCon US 2018
- Carlton Gibson: Feeding the Pony: Contributing back to Django & How to make that work for you DjangoCon Europe 2019
Process of Dissolving Django Core
- James Bennett: Core No More
- Django DEP: Add draft DEP dissolving Django core. by ubernostrum
- Rough draft Django DEP: Dissolving Django Core
- Draft proposal: dissolving "Django core" - Google Groups
- On the Django core team - Google Groups
Django Foundation
DSF Internship
Python Authorities
- Python Packaging Authority (PyPA) and Python Packaging Authority GitHub
- Python Authority Authority (PyAA) GitHub
- Python Code Quality Authority (PyCQA) GitHub and Python Code Quality Authority (PyCQA) GitLab
- Python Cryptographic Authority (PyCA) GitHub
Python and Django Governance and BDFL
- PEP 8016- The Steering Council Model (Accepted)
- PEP 8016- The Steering Council Model (Runner Up)
- Python Governance Vote (December 2018)
- PEP 8010- The Technical Leader Governance Model (Rejected)
- PEP 572 and decision-making in Python
- Transfer of Power
- Moratorium on Governance Decisions
- Jacob Kaplan-Moss
PEP Template
DEPs (Django Enhancement Proposals)
PSF Infrastructure Configuration
PSF Repos
Kenneth Reitz Repos
Repos Under "Python" GitHub Organization
- Python Steering Committee: "Repositories under the "python" organization on GitHub"
- Dustin Ingram: "Relevant discussion"
Black Moving Under "Python" GitHub Organization
DEP 0008: Formatting Code with Black
- Accepted: DEP 0008: Formatting Code with Black
- Andrew Godwin Tweet
- Łukasz Langa Tweet: "I'm not crying, you're crying"
python.org Contributing
- python.org
- python.org GitHub
- python.org Issues
- python.org Staging
- python.org Read the Docs
- python.org Read the Docs Install and python.org Read the Docs Contributing
- Couldn't set up local environment
- python.org Contributors
djangoproject.com Contributing