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Shows commands and help for commands that contain the search terms [Terms]
Prints item [Item]'s tool-tip to chat
Create an item with the name [Name]. The [Name] is what you use to identify the item for later commands e.g: Give. [Name] is not the name of the item on the tool-tip, that is set with Display instead.
Sets the item [Item]'s armour to [Armour]
Shows the item [Item]'s current armour
Shows the item [Item]'s current damage
Sets the item [Item]'s damage to do random damage between [Min] and [Max]
Sets the item [Item]'s damage to [Damage]
Sets the line [LineNo] to [DescriptionLine] on the item [Item]
Adds the line [DescriptionLine] to the item [Item]
Removes the line [LineNo] on the item [Item]
Sets the item [Item]'s display name to [Display]
Shows the item [Item]'s current display name
Sets the chance that [Item] will drop from [EntityType] to [Chance]%. 0% prevents it from dropping
Gets the chance that [Item] will drop from [EntityType]. 0% means it doesn't drop
Sets the durability to infinite. This means the item should never break
Toggles the display of the tooltip based durability bar
Sets the durability for the item. The durability is the number of times the item can be used to attack, block damage(armour) or mine
Gives the item [Item] to the user of the command
Gives [Count] of the item [Item] to the player [Player]
Gives the item [Item] to the player [Player]
Sets the item [Item]'s hand to [Hand]
Shows the item [Item]'s current hand
Sets the item [Item]'s item to [Material]
Sets the item [Item]'s item to [Material] : [Data], where [Data] is a hex number
Sets the item [Item]'s item to [ItemID]
Sets the item [Item]'s item to [ItemID] : [Data]
Sets the item [Item]'s item to [Material] : [Data]
Shows the item [Item]'s current item
Sets the item [Item]'s lore to [Lore]
Shows the item [Item]'s current lore
Adds the arrow power to [Item] with a cooldown of [Cooldown] ticks. The arrow power will fire an arrow on right click
Adds the arrow power to [Item] with a default cooldown of 20 ticks (1 second). The arrow power will fire an arrow on right click
/rpgitem [Item] power command Cooldown[Integer] [left,right] Display[String] Command[String] Permission[String]
Adds the command power to [Item] with a cooldown of [Cooldown] ticks. The tooltip will display [Display]. The item will run [Command] on [left,right] click giving the permission [Permission] just for the use of the command. Note: If you want spaces in [Display], [Command] or [Permission] then surround the string with e.g:
/say Hello`
Adds the command power to [Item] with a cooldown of [Cooldown] ticks. The tooltip will display [Display]. The item will run [Command] on [left,right] click. Note: If you want spaces in [Display] or [Command] then surround the string with e.g:
/say Hello`
Runs the command on [left/right] click. [Detials] is a | seperated list of [display Text] | [command] | [permission]. The tool-tip displays [display Text]. display Text and command must be separated a | symbol. If permission is provided the player will be given the permission just for the use of the item and then it will be removed
Adds the consume power to [Item]. The consume power will remove the item on right click.
Adds the fireball power to [Item] with a default cooldown of 20 ticks (1 second). The fireball power will fire an fireball on right click
Adds the fireball power to [Item] with a cooldown of [Cooldown] ticks. The fireball power will fire an fireball on right click
Adds the flame power to [Item] with a burntime of [Burntime] ticks. The flame power will set the target on fire on hit
Adds the flame power to [Item] with a default burntime of 20 ticks (1 second). The flame power will set the target on fire on hit
Adds the ice power to [Item] with a default cooldown of 20 ticks (1 second). The ice power will fire an ice block on right click which will then create a box of ice on impact, the ice will slowly remove itself
Adds the ice power to [Item] with a cooldown of [Cooldown] ticks. The ice power will fire an ice block on right click which will then create a box of ice on impact, the ice will slowly remove itself
Adds the knockup power to [Item] with a chance of 1/[Chance] and a power of [Power]. The knockup power will send the hit target flying
Adds the knockup power to [Item] with a default chance of 1/20 and a power of 2. The knockup power will send the hit target flying
Adds the lightning power to [Item] with a default chance of 1/20. The lightning power will strike the hit target with lightning
Adds the lightning power to [Item] with a chance of 1/[Chance]. The lightning power will strike the hit target with lightning
Adds the potionhit power to [Item] with a chance of hitting 1/[Chance]. On hit it will apply [Effect] for [Duration] ticks at power [Amplifier]. Valid potion effects:speed, slow, fast_digging, slow_digging, increase_damage, heal, harm, jump, confusion, regeneration, damage_resistance, fire_resistance, water_breathing, invisibility, blindness, night_vision, hunger, weakness, poison, wither,
/rpgitem [Item] power potionself Cooldown[Integer] Duration[Integer] Amplifier[Integer] Effect[String]
Adds the potionself power to [Item] with a cooldown of [Cooldown]. On right click it will apply [Effect] for [Duration] ticks at power [Amplifier]. Valid potion effects:speed, slow, fast_digging, slow_digging, increase_damage, heal, harm, jump, confusion, regeneration, damage_resistance, fire_resistance, water_breathing, invisibility, blindness, night_vision, hunger, weakness, poison, wither,
Adds the potiontick power to [Item]. The potiontick power will give the welder of the [Item] [Effect] level [Amplifier] while held/worn
Adds the rainbow power to [Item] with a cooldown of [Cooldown] ticks and a block count of [Count]. The rainbow power will fire blocks of coloured wool on right click, the wool will remove itself.
Adds the rainbow power to [Item] with a default cooldown of 20 ticks (1 second) and a block count of 5. The rainbow power will fire blocks of coloured wool on right click, the wool will remove itself.
Adds the runble power to [Item] with a cooldown of [Cooldown] ticks and a power of [Power], the wave will travel [Distance] blocks. The rumble power sends a shockwave through the ground and sends any hit entities flying
Adds the skyhook power to [Item]. The skyhook power will allow the user to hook on to [Material] up to [Distance] blocks away
Adds the teleport power to [Item] with a cooldown of [Cooldown] ticks (1 second) and teleport distance of [Distance] blocks. The teleport will teleport you in the direction you're looking in
Adds the teleport power to [Item] with a default cooldown of 20 ticks (1 second) and teleport distance of 5 blocks. The teleport will teleport you in the direction you're looking in
Adds the tntcannon power to [Item] with a cooldown of [Cooldown] ticks. The tntcannon power will fire active tnt on right click.
Adds the tntcannon power to [Item] with a default cooldown of 20 ticks (1 second). The tntcannon power will fire active tnt on right click.
Sets the item [Item]'s quality to [Quality].
Shows the item [Item]'s current quality
Sets the [Item]'s recipe
Removes the [Item]'s recipe
Remove the item [Item] from the system. This does not currently remove the item from players' inventories but all powers and damage will stop working on them.
Removes power [Power] from item [Item]
Shows the item [Item]'s current type
Sets the item [Item]'s type to [Type]
Toggles worldguard override on the [Item]
Shows a list of all created items
Toggles give requiring permissions
Toggles worldguard support. Currently if enabled it prevents RPG Items from being used in non-pvp area
Generated at: 20 May 2013 20:23:33 GMT