Sputnik 2.0
Sputnik 2.0
Second major version of Sputnik is here! 🎉
Sputnik requires Java 1.8 now to be run. It has also some new features and updated a lots of dependencies, Gradle and plugin configuration.
- Support Pylint 1.8 message-id (#188)
- Move from FindBugs to SpotBugs 3.1.11 (#189) (#192)
- Drop SonarQube incremental support. Closes #150, #161 and #115
- Java 1.8 is required
- update Gradle wrapper from 2.7 to 5.4.1
- remove unused shadowJar Gradle plugin
- update library dependencies
- update JUnit from 4 to 5
- remove all given, when, then comments from tests
- update many deprecations during code compilation