2 Speedometers in 1 With Multiple Variants:
- Classic MZD Speedometer
- Basic Analog Speedometer With Rotating Compass
- Modded Digital & Analog Speedometer With Toggle Controls
- Change Colors, Text Size, Table Values
- Digital Bar Speedometers
- Value Positions Fully Customizable
- Customizable Themes
- Remap Multicontroller Functions For Both Speedometers
- Download a release zip from releases page or http://speedo.mazdatweaks.win
- Unzip onto blank FAT32 formatted USB drive
- Connect to car USB port and wait for installation to begin (2 - 20 minutes)
- Choose options when prompted by installer
- For more info visit MazdaTweaks.com
To customize edit the configuration file speedometer-config.js
/** speedometer-config.js ************************************************************** *\
|* ========================= *|
|* Speedometer Configuration - Used to configure position of Speedometer values. *|
|* ========================= *|
|* Main Speedometer Value: [0, 0, 0] - Large, Front, & Center. *|
|* Other Values: [ 0/1:(0 For Main Column OR 1 For Bottom Rows), Row Number, Position ] *|
|* Main Column Positions: 4 Values (1-4 From Top to Bottom) *|
|* Bottom Rows Positions: 5 Values Per Row (1-5 From Left to Right) *|
|* Examples: *|
|* [0, 1, 4] = [Main, Column, 4th position (Bottom of the Column)] *|
|* [1, 3, 1] = [Bottom, 3rd Row, First Position (Left Side)] *|
|* [1, 1, 5] = [Bottom, 1st Row, Last Position (Right Side)] *|
|* To Hide a Value = [1, 1, 0] (Any bottom row position 0 will hide the value) *|
|* To Change Bottom Row Push Command Knob ("Select") *|
|* Note: Only numbers inside [] brackets determine position, order in this list DOES NOT *|
\* ************************************************************************************* */
var spdBottomRows = 3; //Number of Bottom Rows
var spdTbl = { // Example Layout:
vehSpeed: [0, 0, 0], //Vehicle Speed (Main Position)
topSpeed: [0, 1, 1], //Top Speed (Right Column, Top Value)
avgSpeed: [0, 1, 2], //Average Speed
gpsSpeed: [0, 1, 3], //GPS Speed
engSpeed: [0, 1, 4], //Engine Speed (Right Column, Bottom Value)
trpTime: [1, 1, 1], //Trip Time (1st Bottom Row, Far Left)
trpDist: [1, 1, 2], //Trip Distance
outTemp: [1, 1, 3], //Outside Temperature
inTemp: [1, 1, 4], //Intake Temperature
coolTemp: [1, 1, 5], //Coolant Temperature
gearPos: [1, 2, 1], //Gear Position
gearLvr: [1, 1, 0], //Transmission Lever Position (hidden)
fuelLvl: [1, 2, 2], //Fuel Gauge Level
trpFuel: [1, 2, 3], //Trip Fuel Economy (2nd Bottom Row, Center)
totFuel: [1, 2, 4], //Total Fuel Economy
avgFuel: [1, 2, 5], //Average Fuel Economy
gpsAlt: [1, 3, 2], //Altitude
gpsAltMM: [1, 3, 3], //Altitude Min/Max
gpsHead: [1, 3, 1], //GPS Heading
gpsLat: [1, 3, 4], //GPS Latitude
gpsLon: [1, 3, 5], //GPS Longitude (3rd Bottom Row, Far Right)
trpIdle: [1, 1, 0], //Idle Time (hidden)
trpEngIdle: [1, 1, 0], //Engine Idle Time (hidden)
engTop: [1, 1, 0], //Engine Top Speed (hidden)
engLoad: [1, 1, 0], //Engine Load (hidden)
batSOC: [1, 1, 0], //Battery Charge State (i-stop) (hidden)
// OverRide Values
/* ************************************************** */
/* Set overRideSpeed to true to use your values below */
/* If this is false the following values are not used */
var overRideSpeed=false;
/* ************************************************** */
/* * Start OverRide Variables *********************** */
var SORV = {
// Set the language for the speedometer
// Available EN, ES, DE, PL, SK, TR, FR, IT
language: "EN",
// Used for metric/US english conversion flag (C/F, KPH/MPH, Meter/Feet, L per 100km/MPG)
// Set isMPH: true for MPH, Feet, MPG
// Set isMPH: false for KPH, Meter
isMPH: false,
// Set This to true to start with the Bar Speedometer Mod
// False to use the analog speedometer
barSpeedometerMod: true,
// Set true to enable multicontroller and other mod features in classic mode
// If false then use classic speedometer without Mods
speedMod: true,
// Set to true to start the classic speedometer in analog mode
// False to start in digital mode
startAnalog: true,
// Set it true for the StatusBar Speedometer
// False if you don't want the small speedometer in statusbar
StatusBarSpeedometer: true,
// Set to true for Outside Temperature & Fuel Efficiency in the statusbar
// False for Compass & Altitude
sbTemp: false,
// Set true if you want the original speedometer background image as in version 4.2 or below
// False for no background
// If "true" the opacity above will be ignored
original_background_image: false,
// Set the opacity of black background color for speedometer, to reduce the visibility of custom MZD background images
// Possible values 0.0 (full transparent) until 1.0 (complete black background)
black_background_opacity: 0.0,
// Set unit for fuel efficiency to km/L
// False for L/100km
fuelEffunit_kml: false,
// Set this to true for Fahrenheit
// False for Celsius
tempIsF: false,
// For the Speed Bar false for Current Vehicle Speed
// Set This to true if you want the Colored Bar to measure engine speed
engineSpeedBar: false,
// Set This to true to hide the Speed Bar
// False shows he bar
hideSpeedBar: false,
// Set this to true to enable counter animation on the speed number
// False to disable speed counter animation
// The animation causes the digital number to lag by 1 second
speedAnimation: false,
Controls - speedometer-controls.js
(Long Hold Is 1.5 Seconds)
/** speedometer-controls.js ************************************************************** *\
|* =========================
|* Speedometer Controls - Used to map multicontroller "clicks" to toggle actions/events
|* =========================
|* Numbers may be used multiple times. Ex: set all directions under bar to 4
|* and all multicontroller directions will toggle the background
|* KEY:
|* Both Speedometers: (Same by default but can be set independently)
|* 1: (Default: up) - Toggle Speed Unit (mph-km/h)
|* 3: (Default: right) - Toggle Temp C-F (mph mode) Fuel Eff L/km-km/100L (km/h mode)
|* 4: (Default: left) - Toggle Background
|* 8: (Default: hold.right) - Reset Trip Time, Distance, Top/Ave Speed
|* 9: (Default: hold.left) - Change Color Theme
|* Bar (Colored Speed Bar w/ Bottom Rows):
|* 0: (Default: select) - Show Next Bottom Row
|* 2: (Default: down) - Toggle Speed Bar (VehSpeed-RPM)
|* 5: (Default: hold.select) - Reset Layout
|* 6: (Default: hold.up) - Switch To Classic Speedometer
|* 7: (Default: hold.down) - Hide/Show Speed Bar
|* Classic (Analog w/ Compass):
|* 0: (Default: select) - Toggle Speed (Analog-Digital)
|* 2: (Default: down) - Toggle Larger Text
|* 5: (Default: hold.select) - Toggle Alternate Values (Time-Temp)
|* 6: (Default: hold.up) - Switch To Bar Speedometer
|* 7: (Default: hold.down) - Basic Speedo - Analog & Disables Toggles Except Itself To Toggle Back
|* ************************************************************************************* *|
|* null: To Disable Multicontroller Key (do not leave any blank!!!)
\* ************************************************************************************* */
var spdBtn = {
bar: { // Controls for the Bar Speedometer context
select: 0,
up: 1,
down: 2,
right: 3,
left: 4,
hold: { // Used when the click is held for 2 seconds
select: 5,
up: 6,
down: 7,
right: 8,
left: 9,
classic: { // Controls for the Classic (Analog) Speedometer context
select: 0,
up: 1,
down: 2,
right: 3,
left: 4,
hold: { // Used when the click is held for 2 seconds
select: 5,
up: 6,
down: 7,
right: 8,
left: 9,
Custom Themes For Bar Speedometer - barThemes.css
/* barThemes.css - Customize Bar Speedometer Color Themes
* Any Valid CSS Colors Can Be Used Examples:
* Names - Ex: blue;
* Hex - Ex: #00ff66;
* RGB - Ex: rgb(100, 255, 0);
* HSL - Ex: hsl(248, 53%, 58%);
* For More Info On CSS Colors Visit https://www.w3schools.com/colors/colors_names.asp
* Each Theme Has 3 Colors In This Order:
* Primary - Color of Values
* Secondary - Color of Labels/Units
* Border-Color - Color of the Box Borders
* If you know CSS then have fun with it
* CSS is a very forgiving language any errors in this file will be ignored
/* Theme #1 */
#speedBarContainer.theme1 #vehdataMainDiv fieldset div, #speedBarContainer.theme1 #vehdataMainDiv [class*="vehDataMain"].pos0 div {
/* Primary */
color: aquamarine;
#speedBarContainer.theme1 #vehdataMainDiv [class*="vehDataMain"].pos0 legend .spunit span, #speedBarContainer.theme1 #vehdataMainDiv fieldset {
/* Secondary */
color: #64bfff;
/* Border-Color */
border-color: blue;
/* Theme #2 */
#speedBarContainer.theme2 #vehdataMainDiv fieldset div, #speedBarContainer.theme2 #vehdataMainDiv [class*="vehDataMain"].pos0 div {
color: #3fff17;
#speedBarContainer.theme2 #vehdataMainDiv [class*="vehDataMain"].pos0 legend .spunit span, #speedBarContainer.theme2 #vehdataMainDiv fieldset {
color: hsl(248, 53%, 58%);
border-color: rgb(100, 0, 12);
/* Theme #3 */