Kwik is a deno database using messagepack files.
Based on: sabr
This project was done mainly to experiment with messagepack and files. This would never be as good as sql/nosql databases. It isn't recommended using that module for production projects. Except if you know what you are doing, file database are slower and might have issues.
import { Kwik, KwikTable } from "[email protected]/mod.ts";
interface UserSchema {
username: string;
createdAt: Date;
const kwik = new Kwik();
const users = new KwikTable<UserSchema>(kwik, "users");
await kwik.init();
const userId = kwik.uuid4();
await users.set(userId, {
username: "TriForMine",
createdAt: new Date(),
if (await users.has(userId)) {
const user = await users.get(userId);
} else {
console.error("An error occurred, the user was not added to the database.");
Here is an example to set up custom extension types for msgpack
import {
} from "[email protected]/mod.ts";
const kwik = new Kwik();
const table = new KwikTable(kwik, "table");
// Add Map<T> supports
type: 1,
encode: (object: unknown): Uint8Array | null => {
if (object instanceof Map) {
return encode([...object], {});
} else {
return new Uint8Array(0);
decode: (data: Uint8Array) => {
const array = decode(data, {}) as Array<[unknown, unknown]>;
return new Map(array);
await kwik.init();
await table.set("test", new Map<string, string>());
import {
} from "[email protected]/mod.ts";
const kwik = new Kwik();
const table = new KwikTable(kwik, "table");
// Add BigInt supports
type: 0,
encode: (object: unknown): Uint8Array | null => {
if (typeof object === "bigint") {
if (
object <= Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER && object >= Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER
) {
return encode(parseInt(object.toString(), 10), {});
} else {
return encode(object.toString(), {});
} else {
return null;
decode: (data: Uint8Array) => {
return BigInt(decode(data, {}) as string);
await kwik.init();
await table.set("test", 5n);