Release v1.5
Please uninstall the previous version of this data pack (/function dynamiclights:uninstall
) if you are upgrading from v1.4, before installing this or any newer version!
- Mobs holding or wearing light emitting items will now produce light 🐱🏍
- Item frames containing light emitting items will now also produce light
- End Crystals, Dragon Fireballs and regular Fireballs will now emit light level 15
- Firework Rockets, Wither Skulls and Allays will now emit light level 9
- Items enchanted with Fire Aspect will now emit light level 9, all other enchantments light level 6
- Added Campfires, Beacons and all the Froglights to light level 15 items
- Added Soul Campfires, Prismarine Crystals, Blaze Rods, Spectral Arrows and End Crystals to light level 9 items
- Added Fire Charges, Nether Stars, Blaze Powder, Amethyst Shards and Ender Chests to light level 6 items
- Moved Glow Lichen from light level 9 to 6 items
- Increased performance by extensively using predicates
- Increased frequency of light updates to 1 tick (every 2 ticks before)
- Increased active dynamic light radius around players from 30 to 65 blocks
- Fixed #1
- Fixed #2
- Fixed campfires with their BlockStateTag lit set to false still emitting light (Ensures compatibility with The Creeper's Code)
- This data pack now follows the Smithed and essential MC Datapack Discord Server Conventions to ensure data pack compatibility!
- Added a wiki!