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Update to ChainRules 1 (#198)
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* Update to ChainRules 1

* Support ChainRules 0.10 (for Julia 1.3 compatibility)

* Project to primal's subspace

* Use LogExpFunctions and IrrationalConstants instead of NNlib and StatsFuns

* Fix deprecations

* Update Project.toml
  • Loading branch information
devmotion authored Sep 13, 2021
1 parent 0d9b8b4 commit e9d289a
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Showing 20 changed files with 100 additions and 93 deletions.
12 changes: 6 additions & 6 deletions Project.toml
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@@ -1,34 +1,34 @@
name = "Bijectors"
uuid = "76274a88-744f-5084-9051-94815aaf08c4"
version = "0.9.7"
version = "0.9.8"

ArgCheck = "dce04be8-c92d-5529-be00-80e4d2c0e197"
ChainRulesCore = "d360d2e6-b24c-11e9-a2a3-2a2ae2dbcce4"
Compat = "34da2185-b29b-5c13-b0c7-acf172513d20"
Distributions = "31c24e10-a181-5473-b8eb-7969acd0382f"
Functors = "d9f16b24-f501-4c13-a1f2-28368ffc5196"
IrrationalConstants = "92d709cd-6900-40b7-9082-c6be49f344b6"
LinearAlgebra = "37e2e46d-f89d-539d-b4ee-838fcccc9c8e"
LogExpFunctions = "2ab3a3ac-af41-5b50-aa03-7779005ae688"
MappedArrays = "dbb5928d-eab1-5f90-85c2-b9b0edb7c900"
NNlib = "872c559c-99b0-510c-b3b7-b6c96a88d5cd"
NonlinearSolve = "8913a72c-1f9b-4ce2-8d82-65094dcecaec"
Random = "9a3f8284-a2c9-5f02-9a11-845980a1fd5c"
Reexport = "189a3867-3050-52da-a836-e630ba90ab69"
Requires = "ae029012-a4dd-5104-9daa-d747884805df"
SparseArrays = "2f01184e-e22b-5df5-ae63-d93ebab69eaf"
Statistics = "10745b16-79ce-11e8-11f9-7d13ad32a3b2"
StatsFuns = "4c63d2b9-4356-54db-8cca-17b64c39e42c"

ArgCheck = "1, 2"
ChainRulesCore = "0.9, 0.10"
ChainRulesCore = "0.10.11, 1"
Compat = "3"
Distributions = "0.23.3, 0.24, 0.25"
Functors = "0.1, 0.2"
IrrationalConstants = "0.1"
LogExpFunctions = "0.3.3"
MappedArrays = "0.2.2, 0.3, 0.4"
NNlib = "0.6, 0.7"
NonlinearSolve = "0.3"
Reexport = "0.2, 1"
Requires = "0.5, 1"
StatsFuns = "0.8, 0.9.3"
julia = "1.3"
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -514,7 +514,7 @@ logabsdetjac(::Identity{0}, y::Real) = zero(eltype(y)) # ∂ₓid(x) = ∂ₓ x
A slightly more complex example is `Logit`:

using StatsFuns: logit, logistic
using LogExpFunctions: logit, logistic

struct Logit{T<:Real} <: Bijector{0}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -586,7 +586,7 @@ As you can see it's a very contrived example, but you get the idea.
We could also have implemented `Logit` as an `ADBijector`:
using StatsFuns: logit, logistic
using LogExpFunctions: logit, logistic
using Bijectors: ADBackend

struct ADLogit{T, AD} <: ADBijector{AD, 0}
Expand Down
4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion src/Bijectors.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -30,12 +30,14 @@ module Bijectors

using Reexport, Requires
@reexport using Distributions
using StatsFuns
using LinearAlgebra
using MappedArrays
using Base.Iterators: drop
using LinearAlgebra: AbstractTriangular

import Functors
import IrrationalConstants
import LogExpFunctions
import NonlinearSolve
import ChainRulesCore

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4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion src/bijectors/corr.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -86,7 +86,9 @@ function logabsdetjac(::Inverse{CorrBijector}, y::AbstractMatrix{<:Real})
result = float(zero(eltype(y)))
for j in 2:K, i in 1:(j - 1)
@inbounds abs_y_i_j = abs(y[i, j])
result += (K - i + 1) * (logtwo - (abs_y_i_j + log1pexp(-2 * abs_y_i_j)))
result += (K - i + 1) * (
IrrationalConstants.logtwo - (abs_y_i_j + LogExpFunctions.log1pexp(-2 * abs_y_i_j))

return result
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6 changes: 2 additions & 4 deletions src/bijectors/logit.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
# Logit and Logistic #
using StatsFuns: logit, logistic

struct Logit{N, T<:Real} <: Bijector{N}
Expand All @@ -29,11 +27,11 @@ Base.:(==)(b1::Logit, b2::Logit) = b1.a == b2.a && b1.b == b2.b

(b::Logit)(x) = _logit.(x, b.a, b.b)
(b::Logit)(x::AbstractArray{<:AbstractArray}) = map(b, x)
_logit(x, a, b) = logit((x - a) / (b - a))
_logit(x, a, b) = LogExpFunctions.logit((x - a) / (b - a))

(ib::Inverse{<:Logit})(y) = _ilogit.(y, ib.orig.a, ib.orig.b)
(ib::Inverse{<:Logit})(x::AbstractArray{<:AbstractArray}) = map(ib, x)
_ilogit(y, a, b) = (b - a) * logistic(y) + a
_ilogit(y, a, b) = (b - a) * LogExpFunctions.logistic(y) + a

logabsdetjac(b::Logit{0}, x) = logit_logabsdetjac.(x, b.a, b.b)
logabsdetjac(b::Logit{1}, x::AbstractVector) = sum(logit_logabsdetjac.(x, b.a, b.b))
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8 changes: 2 additions & 6 deletions src/bijectors/planar_layer.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,3 @@
using LinearAlgebra
using Random
using NNlib: softplus

# Planar and Radial Flows #
# Ref: Variational Inference with Normalizing Flows, #
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -63,8 +59,8 @@ arXiv:1505.05770
function get_u_hat(u::AbstractVector{<:Real}, w::AbstractVector{<:Real})
wT_u = dot(w, u)
= u .+ ((softplus(-wT_u) - 1) / sum(abs2, w)) .* w
wT_û = softplus(wT_u) - 1
= u .+ ((LogExpFunctions.log1pexp(-wT_u) - 1) / sum(abs2, w)) .* w
wT_û = LogExpFunctions.log1pexp(wT_u) - 1
return û, wT_û

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16 changes: 6 additions & 10 deletions src/bijectors/radial_layer.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,3 @@
using LinearAlgebra
using Random
using NNlib: softplus

# Planar and Radial Flows #
# Ref: Variational Inference with Normalizing Flows, #
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -39,8 +35,8 @@ function _transform(flow::RadialLayer, z::AbstractVecOrMat)
return _radial_transform(first(flow.α_), first(flow.β), flow.z_0, z)
function _radial_transform(α_, β, z_0, z)
α = softplus(α_) # from A.2
β_hat = -α + softplus(β) # from A.2
α = LogExpFunctions.log1pexp(α_) # from A.2
β_hat = -α + LogExpFunctions.log1pexp(β) # from A.2
if z isa AbstractVector
r = norm(z .- z_0)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -73,8 +69,8 @@ end
function (ib::Inverse{<:RadialLayer})(y::AbstractVector{<:Real})
flow = ib.orig
z0 = flow.z_0
α = softplus(first(flow.α_)) # from A.2
α_plus_β_hat = softplus(first(flow.β)) # from A.2
α = LogExpFunctions.log1pexp(first(flow.α_)) # from A.2
α_plus_β_hat = LogExpFunctions.log1pexp(first(flow.β)) # from A.2

# Compute the norm ``r`` from A.2.
y_minus_z0 = y .- z0
Expand All @@ -87,8 +83,8 @@ end
function (ib::Inverse{<:RadialLayer})(y::AbstractMatrix{<:Real})
flow = ib.orig
z0 = flow.z_0
α = softplus(first(flow.α_)) # from A.2
α_plus_β_hat = softplus(first(flow.β)) # from A.2
α = LogExpFunctions.log1pexp(first(flow.α_)) # from A.2
α_plus_β_hat = LogExpFunctions.log1pexp(first(flow.β)) # from A.2

# Compute the norm ``r`` from A.2 for each column.
y_minus_z0 = y .- z0
Expand Down
15 changes: 6 additions & 9 deletions src/bijectors/rational_quadratic_spline.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
using NNlib

RationalQuadraticSpline{T, 0} <: Bijector{0}
RationalQuadraticSpline{T, 1} <: Bijector{1}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -111,11 +109,10 @@ function RationalQuadraticSpline(
) where {T1, T2, A <: AbstractVector{T1}}
# Using `NNLlinb.softax` instead of `StatsFuns.softmax` (which does inplace operations)
return RationalQuadraticSpline(
(cumsum(vcat([zero(T1)], NNlib.softmax(widths))) .- 0.5) * 2 * B,
(cumsum(vcat([zero(T1)], NNlib.softmax(heights))) .- 0.5) * 2 * B,
vcat([one(T1)], softplus.(derivatives), [one(T1)])
(cumsum(vcat([zero(T1)], LogExpFunctions.softmax(widths))) .- 0.5) * 2 * B,
(cumsum(vcat([zero(T1)], LogExpFunctions.softmax(heights))) .- 0.5) * 2 * B,
vcat([one(T1)], LogExpFunctions.log1pexp.(derivatives), [one(T1)])

Expand All @@ -125,9 +122,9 @@ function RationalQuadraticSpline(
) where {T1, T2, A <: AbstractMatrix{T1}}
ws = hcat(zeros(T1, size(widths, 1)), NNlib.softmax(widths; dims = 2))
hs = hcat(zeros(T1, size(widths, 1)), NNlib.softmax(heights; dims = 2))
ds = hcat(ones(T1, size(widths, 1)), softplus.(derivatives), ones(T1, size(widths, 1)))
ws = hcat(zeros(T1, size(widths, 1)), LogExpFunctions.softmax(widths; dims = 2))
hs = hcat(zeros(T1, size(widths, 1)), LogExpFunctions.softmax(heights; dims = 2))
ds = hcat(ones(T1, size(widths, 1)), LogExpFunctions.log1pexp.(derivatives), ones(T1, size(widths, 1)))

return RationalQuadraticSpline(
(2 * B) .* (cumsum(ws; dims = 2) .- 0.5),
Expand Down
28 changes: 14 additions & 14 deletions src/bijectors/simplex.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -21,13 +21,13 @@ function _simplex_bijector!(y, x::AbstractVector, ::SimplexBijector{1, proj}) wh
ϵ = _eps(T)
sum_tmp = zero(T)
@inbounds z = x[1] * (one(T) - 2ϵ) + ϵ # z ∈ [ϵ, 1-ϵ]
@inbounds y[1] = StatsFuns.logit(z) + log(T(K - 1))
@inbounds y[1] = LogExpFunctions.logit(z) + log(T(K - 1))
@inbounds @simd for k in 2:(K - 1)
sum_tmp += x[k - 1]
# z ∈ [ϵ, 1-ϵ]
# x[k] = 0 && sum_tmp = 1 -> z ≈ 1
z = (x[k] + ϵ)*(one(T) - 2ϵ)/((one(T) + ϵ) - sum_tmp)
y[k] = StatsFuns.logit(z) + log(T(K - k))
y[k] = LogExpFunctions.logit(z) + log(T(K - k))
@inbounds sum_tmp += x[K - 1]
@inbounds if proj
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -64,11 +64,11 @@ function _simplex_bijector!(Y, X::AbstractMatrix, ::SimplexBijector{1, proj}) wh
@inbounds @simd for n in 1:size(X, 2)
sum_tmp = zero(T)
z = X[1, n] * (one(T) - 2ϵ) + ϵ
Y[1, n] = StatsFuns.logit(z) + log(T(K - 1))
Y[1, n] = LogExpFunctions.logit(z) + log(T(K - 1))
for k in 2:(K - 1)
sum_tmp += X[k - 1, n]
z = (X[k, n] + ϵ)*(one(T) - 2ϵ)/((one(T) + ϵ) - sum_tmp)
Y[k, n] = StatsFuns.logit(z) + log(T(K - k))
Y[k, n] = LogExpFunctions.logit(z) + log(T(K - k))
sum_tmp += X[K-1, n]
if proj
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -98,11 +98,11 @@ function _simplex_inv_bijector!(x, y::AbstractVector, b::SimplexBijector{1, proj
@assert K > 1 "x needs to be of length greater than 1"
T = eltype(y)
ϵ = _eps(T)
@inbounds z = StatsFuns.logistic(y[1] - log(T(K - 1)))
@inbounds z = LogExpFunctions.logistic(y[1] - log(T(K - 1)))
@inbounds x[1] = _clamp((z - ϵ) / (one(T) - 2ϵ), 0, 1)
sum_tmp = zero(T)
@inbounds @simd for k = 2:(K - 1)
z = StatsFuns.logistic(y[k] - log(T(K - k)))
z = LogExpFunctions.logistic(y[k] - log(T(K - k)))
sum_tmp += x[k-1]
x[k] = _clamp(((one(T) + ϵ) - sum_tmp) / (one(T) - 2ϵ) * z - ϵ, 0, 1)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -142,10 +142,10 @@ function _simplex_inv_bijector!(X, Y::AbstractMatrix, b::SimplexBijector{1, proj
T = eltype(Y)
ϵ = _eps(T)
@inbounds @simd for n in 1:size(X, 2)
sum_tmp, z = zero(T), StatsFuns.logistic(Y[1, n] - log(T(K - 1)))
sum_tmp, z = zero(T), LogExpFunctions.logistic(Y[1, n] - log(T(K - 1)))
X[1, n] = _clamp((z - ϵ) / (one(T) - 2ϵ), 0, 1)
for k in 2:(K - 1)
z = StatsFuns.logistic(Y[k, n] - log(T(K - k)))
z = LogExpFunctions.logistic(Y[k, n] - log(T(K - k)))
sum_tmp += X[k - 1, n]
X[k, n] = _clamp(((one(T) + ϵ) - sum_tmp) / (one(T) - 2ϵ) * z - ϵ, 0, 1)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -383,15 +383,15 @@ function simplex_invlink_jacobian(
@inbounds dxdy .= 0

ϵ = _eps(T)
@inbounds z = StatsFuns.logistic(y[1] - log(T(K - 1)))
@inbounds z = LogExpFunctions.logistic(y[1] - log(T(K - 1)))
unclamped_x = (z - ϵ) / (one(T) - 2ϵ)
clamped_x = _clamp(unclamped_x, 0, 1)
@inbounds if unclamped_x == clamped_x
dxdy[1,1] = z * (1 - z) / (one(T) - 2ϵ)
sum_tmp = zero(T)
@inbounds for k = 2:(K - 1)
z = StatsFuns.logistic(y[k] - log(T(K - k)))
z = LogExpFunctions.logistic(y[k] - log(T(K - k)))
sum_tmp += clamped_x
unclamped_x = ((one(T) + ϵ) - sum_tmp) / (one(T) - 2ϵ) * z - ϵ
clamped_x = _clamp(unclamped_x, 0, 1)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -445,7 +445,7 @@ function add_simplex_invlink_adjoint!(
@inbounds dxdy .= 0
ϵ = _eps(T)
@inbounds z = StatsFuns.logistic(y[1] - log(T(K - 1)))
@inbounds z = LogExpFunctions.logistic(y[1] - log(T(K - 1)))
unclamped_x = (z - ϵ) / (one(T) - 2ϵ)
clamped_x = _clamp(unclamped_x, 0, 1)
@inbounds if unclamped_x == clamped_x
Expand All @@ -454,7 +454,7 @@ function add_simplex_invlink_adjoint!(
sum_tmp = zero(T)
@inbounds for k = 2:(K - 1)
z = StatsFuns.logistic(y[k] - log(T(K - k)))
z = LogExpFunctions.logistic(y[k] - log(T(K - k)))
sum_tmp += clamped_x
unclamped_x = ((one(T) + ϵ) - sum_tmp) / (one(T) - 2ϵ) * z - ϵ
clamped_x = _clamp(unclamped_x, 0, 1)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -503,7 +503,7 @@ function add_simplex_invlink_adjoint!(
@inbounds for col in 1:size(y,2)
dxdy .= 0
ϵ = _eps(T)
z = StatsFuns.logistic(y[1,col] - log(T(K - 1)))
z = LogExpFunction.logistic(y[1,col] - log(T(K - 1)))
unclamped_x = (z - ϵ) / (one(T) - 2ϵ)
clamped_x = _clamp(unclamped_x, 0, 1)
if unclamped_x == clamped_x
Expand All @@ -512,7 +512,7 @@ function add_simplex_invlink_adjoint!(
sum_tmp = zero(T)
for k = 2:(K - 1)
z = StatsFuns.logistic(y[k,col] - log(T(K - k)))
z = LogExpFunctions.logistic(y[k,col] - log(T(K - k)))
sum_tmp += clamped_x
unclamped_x = ((one(T) + ϵ) - sum_tmp) / (one(T) - 2ϵ) * z - ϵ
clamped_x = _clamp(unclamped_x, 0, 1)
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/bijectors/truncated.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ end
function truncated_link(x::Real, a, b)
lowerbounded, upperbounded = isfinite(a), isfinite(b)
if lowerbounded && upperbounded
return StatsFuns.logit((x - a) / (b - a))
return LogExpFunctions.logit((x - a) / (b - a))
elseif lowerbounded
return log(x - a)
elseif upperbounded
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ end
function truncated_invlink(y, a, b)
lowerbounded, upperbounded = isfinite(a), isfinite(b)
if lowerbounded && upperbounded
return (b - a) * StatsFuns.logistic(y) + a
return (b - a) * LogExpFunctions.logistic(y) + a
elseif lowerbounded
return exp(y) + a
elseif upperbounded
Expand Down

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