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Fix ESS (#229)
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devmotion authored Jul 31, 2020


This commit was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
JMazurkiewicz Jakub Mazurkiewicz
1 parent 53c87c2 commit 55d5ef7
Showing 3 changed files with 110 additions and 101 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Project.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ uuid = "c7f686f2-ff18-58e9-bc7b-31028e88f75d"
keywords = ["markov chain monte carlo", "probablistic programming"]
license = "MIT"
desc = "Chain types and utility functions for MCMC simulations."
version = "4.0.1"
version = "4.0.2"

AbstractFFTs = "621f4979-c628-5d54-868e-fcf4e3e8185c"
168 changes: 87 additions & 81 deletions src/ess.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -8,9 +8,11 @@ The `ESSMethod` uses a standard algorithm for estimating the
effective sample size of MCMC chains.
It is is based on the discussion by
[Vehtari et al. (2019)]( and uses the
plug-in estimator of the autocorrelation function discussed by
[Vehtari et al. (2019)]( and uses a
biased estimator of the autocovariance, as discussed by
[Geyer (1992)](
In contrast to Geyer, the divisor `n - 1` is used in the estimation of
the autocovariance to obtain the unbiased estimator of the variance for lag 0.
struct ESSMethod <: AbstractESSMethod end

@@ -22,10 +24,13 @@ the effective sample size of MCMC chains.
It is is based on the discussion by
[Vehtari et al. (2019)]( and uses the
plug-in estimator of the autocorrelation function discussed by
[Geyer (1992)]( In contrast to
`ESSMethod`, it uses fast Fourier transforms (FFTs) for
estimating the autocorrelation function.
biased estimator of the autocovariance, as discussed by
[Geyer (1992)](
In contrast to Geyer, the divisor `n - 1` is used in the estimation of
the autocovariance to obtain the unbiased estimator of the variance for lag 0.
In contrast to [`ESSMethod`](@ref), this method uses fast Fourier transforms
(FFTs) for estimating the autocorrelation.
struct FFTESSMethod <: AbstractESSMethod end

@@ -37,27 +42,29 @@ MCMC chains.
It is is based on the discussion by
[Vehtari et al. (2019)]( and uses the
estimator of the autocorrelation function discussed in
variogram estimator of the autocorrelation function discussed in
[Bayesian Data Analysis (2013)](
struct BDAESSMethod <: AbstractESSMethod end

# caches
mutable struct ESSCache{T}
struct ESSCache{T,S}

mutable struct FFTESSCache{T,P,I}
struct FFTESSCache{T,S,C,P,I}

mutable struct BDAESSCache{T}
mutable struct BDAESSCache{T,S,M}

function build_cache(::ESSMethod, samples::Matrix, var::Vector)
@@ -76,114 +83,116 @@ function build_cache(::FFTESSMethod, samples::Matrix, var::Vector)
# create cache for FFT
T = complex(eltype(samples))
n = nextprod([2, 3], 2 * niter - 1)
A = Matrix{T}(undef, n, nchains)
samples_cache = Matrix{T}(undef, n, nchains)

# create plans of FFTs
fft_plan = plan_fft!(A, 1)
ifft_plan = plan_ifft!(A, 1)
fft_plan = plan_fft!(samples_cache, 1)
ifft_plan = plan_ifft!(samples_cache, 1)

return FFTESSCache(A, fft_plan, ifft_plan, niter)
return FFTESSCache(samples, var, samples_cache, fft_plan, ifft_plan)

function build_cache(::BDAESSMethod, samples::Matrix, var::Vector)
# check arguments
nchains = size(samples, 2)
length(var) == nchains || throw(DimensionMismatch())

return BDAESSCache(samples, var)
return BDAESSCache(samples, var, mean(var))

update_cache!(cache, samples::Matrix, var::Vector) = nothing
update!(cache::ESSCache) = nothing

function update_cache!(cache::FFTESSCache, samples::Matrix, var::Vector)
# check arguments
niter, nchains = size(samples)
niter == cache.niter || throw(DimensionMismatch())
A = cache.A
nchains == size(A, 2) || throw(DimensionMismatch())

function update!(cache::FFTESSCache)
# copy samples and add zero padding
n = size(A, 1)
T = eltype(A)
samples = cache.samples
samples_cache = cache.samples_cache
niter, nchains = size(samples)
n = size(samples_cache, 1)
T = eltype(samples_cache)
@inbounds for j in 1:nchains
for i in 1:niter
A[i, j] = samples[i, j]
samples_cache[i, j] = samples[i, j]
for i in (niter + 1):n
A[i, j] = zero(T)
samples_cache[i, j] = zero(T)

# compute unnormalized autocorrelation
cache.plan * A
@. A = abs2(A)
cache.invplan * A
# compute unnormalized autocovariance
cache.plan * samples_cache
@. samples_cache = abs2(samples_cache)
cache.invplan * samples_cache


# estimation of the autocorrelation function
function mean_autocorr(k::Int, cache::ESSCache)
function update!(cache::BDAESSCache)
# recompute mean of within-chain variances
cache.mean_chain_var = mean(cache.chain_var)


function mean_autocov(k::Int, cache::ESSCache)
# check arguments
samples = cache.samples
niter, nchains = size(samples)
0 k < niter || throw(ArgumentError("only lags ≥ 0 and < $niter are supported"))

# compute mean autocorrelation
var = cache.var
s = zero(eltype(var))
# compute mean of unnormalized autocovariance estimates
firstrange = 1:(niter - k)
lastrange = (k + 1):niter
@inbounds for i in 1:nchains
# increment unnormalized correlation estimates
s = mean(1:nchains) do i
if eltype(samples) isa BlasReal
# call into BLAS if possible
s += dot(samples, firstrange, samples, lastrange) / var[i]
x = dot(samples, firstrange, samples, lastrange)
firstrange = firstrange .+ niter
lastrange = lastrange .+ niter
return x
# otherwise use views
s += dot(view(samples, firstrange, i), view(samples, lastrange, i)) / var[i]
return dot(view(samples, firstrange, i), view(samples, lastrange, i))

return s / length(samples)
# normalize autocovariance estimators by `niter - 1` instead
# of `niter - k` to obtain
# - unbiased estimators of the variance for lag 0
# - biased but more stable estimators for all other lags as discussed by
# Geyer (1992)
return s / (niter - 1)

function mean_autocorr(k::Int, cache::FFTESSCache)
function mean_autocov(k::Int, cache::FFTESSCache)
# check arguments
niter = cache.niter
niter, nchains = size(cache.samples)
0 k < niter || throw(ArgumentError("only lags ≥ 0 and < $niter are supported"))

# compute mean autocorrelation
A = cache.A
nchains = size(A, 2)
s = zero(real(eltype(A)))
@inbounds for i in 1:nchains
s += real(A[k + 1, i]) / real(A[1, i])
# compute mean autocovariance
# we use biased but more stable estimators as discussed by Geyer (1992)
samples_cache = cache.samples_cache
chain_var = cache.chain_var
return mean(1:nchains) do i
real(samples_cache[k + 1, i]) / real(samples_cache[1, i]) * chain_var[i]

return s / nchains

function mean_autocorr(k::Int, cache::BDAESSCache)
function mean_autocov(k::Int, cache::BDAESSCache)
# check arguments
samples = cache.samples
niter, nchains = size(samples)
0 k < niter || throw(ArgumentError("only lags ≥ 0 and < $niter are supported"))

# compute mean autocorrelation
var = cache.var
s = zero(eltype(var))
@inbounds for j in 1:nchains
sj = zero(s)
for i in 1:(niter - k)
sj += abs2(samples[i, j] - samples[k + i, j])
# compute mean autocovariance
n = niter - k
idxs = 1:n
s = mean(1:nchains) do j
return sum(idxs) do i
abs2(samples[i, j] - samples[k + i, j])
s += sj / var[j]

return 1 - s / (2 * length(samples))
return cache.mean_chain_var - s / (2 * n)

@@ -231,7 +240,7 @@ function ess_rhat(
samples = Array{T}(undef, niter, nchains)

# compute correction factor
correctionfactor = niter / (niter - 1)
correctionfactor = (niter - 1) / niter

# define cache for the computation of the autocorrelation
esscache = build_cache(method, samples, chain_var)
@@ -257,13 +266,12 @@ function ess_rhat(

# calculate within-chain variance
@inbounds for j in 1:nchains
chain_var[j] = var(view(samples, :, j); mean = chain_mean[j], corrected = false)
chain_var[j] = var(view(samples, :, j); mean = chain_mean[j], corrected = true)
mean_chain_var = mean(chain_var)
W = correctionfactor * mean_chain_var
W = mean(chain_var)

# compute variance estimator var₊, which accounts for between-chain variance as well
var₊ = mean_chain_var + var(chain_mean; corrected = true)
var₊ = correctionfactor * W + var(chain_mean; corrected = true)
inv_var₊ = inv(var₊)

# estimate the potential scale reduction
@@ -273,25 +281,23 @@ function ess_rhat(
samples .-= chain_mean

# update cache
update_cache!(esscache, samples, chain_var)

# compute the first two autocorrelation terms
mean_ρ = mean_autocorr(1, esscache)
ρ_odd = 1 - inv_var₊ * (W - mean_ρ)
ρ_even = one(ρ_odd)
# compute the first two autocorrelation estimates
# by combining autocorrelation (or rather autocovariance) estimates of each chain
ρ_odd = 1 - inv_var₊ * (W - mean_autocov(1, esscache))
ρ_even = one(ρ_odd) # estimate at lag 0 is known

# sum correlation estimates
pₜ = ρ_even + ρ_odd
sum_pₜ = pₜ

k = 2
while k < maxlag
# compute and combine autocorrelation of all chains
mean_ρ = mean_autocorr(k, esscache)
ρ_even = 1 - inv_var₊ * (W - mean_ρ)

mean_ρ = mean_autocorr(k + 1, esscache)
ρ_odd = 1 - inv_var₊ * (W - mean_ρ)
# compute subsequent autocorrelation of all chains
# by combining estimates of each chain
ρ_even = 1 - inv_var₊ * (W - mean_autocov(k, esscache))
ρ_odd = 1 - inv_var₊ * (W - mean_autocov(k + 1, esscache))

# stop summation if p becomes non-positive
Δ = ρ_even + ρ_odd
41 changes: 22 additions & 19 deletions test/ess_tests.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -31,27 +31,30 @@ end
@testset "ESS and R̂ (IID samples)" begin

x = randn(10_000, 40, 10)

ess_standard, rhat_standard = MCMCChains.ess_rhat(x)
ess_standard2, rhat_standard2 = MCMCChains.ess_rhat(x; method = ESSMethod())
ess_fft, rhat_fft = MCMCChains.ess_rhat(x; method = FFTESSMethod())
ess_bda, rhat_bda = MCMCChains.ess_rhat(x; method = BDAESSMethod())

# check that we get (roughly) the same results
@test ess_standard == ess_standard2
@test ess_standard ess_fft
@test rhat_standard == rhat_standard2 == rhat_fft == rhat_bda

# check that the estimates are reasonable
@test all(x -> isapprox(x, 100_000; atol = 2_500), ess_standard)
@test all(x -> isapprox(x, 1; atol = 0.1), rhat_standard)
rawx = randn(10_000, 40, 10)

@test count(x -> !isapprox(x, 100_000; atol = 2_500), ess_bda) == 7
@test all(x -> isapprox(x, 1; atol = 0.1), rhat_bda)
# Repeat tests with different scales
for scale in (1, 50, 100)
x = scale * rawx

# BDA method fluctuates more
@test var(ess_standard) < var(ess_bda)
ess_standard, rhat_standard = MCMCChains.ess_rhat(x)
ess_standard2, rhat_standard2 = MCMCChains.ess_rhat(x; method = ESSMethod())
ess_fft, rhat_fft = MCMCChains.ess_rhat(x; method = FFTESSMethod())
ess_bda, rhat_bda = MCMCChains.ess_rhat(x; method = BDAESSMethod())

# check that we get (roughly) the same results
@test ess_standard == ess_standard2
@test ess_standard ess_fft
@test rhat_standard == rhat_standard2 == rhat_fft == rhat_bda

# check that the estimates are reasonable
@test all(x -> isapprox(x, 100_000; atol = 2_500), ess_standard)
@test all(x -> isapprox(x, 100_000; atol = 2_500), ess_bda)
@test all(x -> isapprox(x, 1; atol = 0.1), rhat_standard)

# BDA method fluctuates more
@test var(ess_standard) < var(ess_bda)

@testset "ESS and R̂ (identical samples)" begin

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