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Add Gibbsian polar slice sampler (#4)
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* add limit on maximum number of proposals
* add Gibbsian polar slice sampling
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Red-Portal authored May 26, 2024
1 parent 725a749 commit 0c9583c
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Showing 14 changed files with 436 additions and 47 deletions.
4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion Project.toml
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@@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
name = "SliceSampling"
uuid = "43f4d3e8-9711-4a8c-bd1b-03ac73a255cf"
version = "0.2.1"
version = "0.3.0"

AbstractMCMC = "80f14c24-f653-4e6a-9b94-39d6b0f70001"
Accessors = "7d9f7c33-5ae7-4f3b-8dc6-eff91059b697"
Distributions = "31c24e10-a181-5473-b8eb-7969acd0382f"
FillArrays = "1a297f60-69ca-5386-bcde-b61e274b549b"
LinearAlgebra = "37e2e46d-f89d-539d-b4ee-838fcccc9c8e"
LogDensityProblems = "6fdf6af0-433a-55f7-b3ed-c6c6e0b8df7c"
Random = "9a3f8284-a2c9-5f02-9a11-845980a1fd5c"
Requires = "ae029012-a4dd-5104-9daa-d747884805df"
Expand All @@ -23,6 +24,7 @@ AbstractMCMC = "4, 5"
Accessors = "0.1"
Distributions = "0.25"
FillArrays = "1"
LinearAlgebra = "1"
LogDensityProblems = "2"
Random = "1"
Requires = "1"
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38 changes: 36 additions & 2 deletions
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@@ -1,9 +1,43 @@
# Implementation of slice sampling algorithms

[![Build Status](](

This package implements slice sampling algorithms accessible through the the `AbstractMCMC` [interface](
For general usage, please refer to [here](

## Implemented Algorithms
- Univariate slice sampling algorithms with coordinate-wise Gibbs sampling by R. Neal [^N2003].
- Latent slice sampling by Li and Walker[^LW2023]
- Gibbsian polar slice sampling by P. Schär, M. Habeck, and D. Rudolf[^SHR2023].

## Example with Turing Models
This package supports the [Turing]( probabilistic programming framework:

```@example turing
using Distributions
using Turing
using SliceSampling
@model function demo()
s ~ InverseGamma(3, 3)
m ~ Normal(0, sqrt(s))
sampler = LatentSlice(2)
n_samples = 10000
model = demo()
sample(model, externalsampler(sampler), n_samples; initial_params=[1.0, 0.0])

[^N2003]: Neal, R. M. (2003). Slice sampling. The annals of statistics, 31(3), 705-767.
[^LW2023]: Li, Y., & Walker, S. G. (2023). A latent slice sampling algorithm. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 179, 107652.
[^SHR2023]: Schär, P., Habeck, M., & Rudolf, D. (2023, July). Gibbsian polar slice sampling. In International Conference on Machine Learning.
[![Build Status](](

For a working example, please see [here](
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions docs/Project.toml
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Expand Up @@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ FillArrays = "1a297f60-69ca-5386-bcde-b61e274b549b"
LogDensityProblems = "6fdf6af0-433a-55f7-b3ed-c6c6e0b8df7c"
MCMCDiagnosticTools = "be115224-59cd-429b-ad48-344e309966f0"
PDMats = "90014a1f-27ba-587c-ab20-58faa44d9150"
Plots = "91a5bcdd-55d7-5caf-9e0b-520d859cae80"
PrettyTables = "08abe8d2-0d0c-5749-adfa-8a2ac140af0d"
Random = "9a3f8284-a2c9-5f02-9a11-845980a1fd5c"
SliceSampling = "43f4d3e8-9711-4a8c-bd1b-03ac73a255cf"
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9 changes: 5 additions & 4 deletions docs/make.jl
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Expand Up @@ -15,10 +15,11 @@ makedocs(;
"Home" => "",
"General Usage" => "",
"Univariate Slice Sampling" => "",
"Latent Slice Sampling" => ""
"Home" => "",
"General Usage" => "",
"Univariate Slice Sampling" => "",
"Latent Slice Sampling" => "",
"Gibbsian Polar Slice Sampling" => ""

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76 changes: 76 additions & 0 deletions docs/src/
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@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@

# [Gibbsian Polar Slice Sampling](@id polar)

## Introduction
Gibbsian polar slice sampling (GPSS) is a recent vector-valued slice sampling algorithm proposed by P. Schär, M. Habeck, and D. Rudolf[^SHR2023].
It is an computationally efficient variant of polar slice sampler previously proposed by Roberts and Rosenthal[^RR2002].
Unlike other slice sampling algorithms, it operates a Gibbs sampler over polar coordinates, reminiscent of the elliptical slice sampler (ESS).
Due to the involvement of polar coordinates, GPSS only works reliably on more than one dimension.
However, unlike ESS, GPSS is applicable to any target distribution.

## Description
For a $$d$$-dimensional target distribution, GPSS utilizes the following augmented target distribution:
p(x, T) &= \varrho_{\pi}^{(0)}(x) \varrho_{\pi}^{(1)}(x) \, \operatorname{Uniform}\left(T; 0, \varrho^1(x)\right) \\
\varrho_{\pi}^{(0)}(x) &= {\lVert x \rVert}^{1 - d} \\
\varrho_{\pi}^{(1)}(x) &= {\lVert x \rVert}^{d-1} \pi\left(x\right)
As described in Appendix A of the GPSS paper, sampling from $$\varrho^{(1)}(x)$$ in polar coordinates magically targets the augmented target distribution.

In a high-level view, GPSS operates a Gibbs sampler in the following fashion:
T_n &\sim \operatorname{Uniform}\left(0, \varrho^{(1)}\left(x_{n-1}\right)\right) \\
\theta_n &\sim \operatorname{Uniform}\left\{ \theta \in \mathbb{S}^{d-1} \mid \varrho^{(1)}\left(r_{n-1} \theta\right) > T_n \right\} \\
r_n &\sim \operatorname{Uniform}\left\{ r \in \mathbb{R}_{\geq 0} \mid \varrho^{(1)}\left(r \theta_n\right) > T_n \right\} \\
x &= \theta r,
where $$T_n$$ is the usual acceptance threshold auxiliary variable, while $$\theta$$ and $$r$$ are the sampler states in polar coordinates.
The Gibbs steps on $$\theta$$ and $$r$$ are implemented through specialized shrinkage procedures.

The only tunable parameter of the algorithm is the size of the search interval (window) of the shrinkage sampler for the radius variable $$r$$.

!!! info
Since the direction and radius variables are states of the Markov chain, this sampler is **not reversible** with respect to the samples of the log-target $$x$$.

## Interface

!!! warning
By the nature of polar coordinates, GPSS only works reliably for targets with dimension at least $$d \geq 2$$.

!!! warning
When initializing the chain (*e.g.* the `initial_params` keyword arguments in `AbstractMCMC.sample`), it is necessary to inialize from a point $$x_0$$ that has a sensible norm $$\lVert x_0 \rVert > 0$$, otherwise, the chain will start from a pathologic point in polar coordinates. If it is smaller than `1e-5`, the current implementation automatically sets the initial radius as `1e-5`.


## Demonstration
As illustrated in the original paper, GPSS shows good performance on heavy-tailed targets despite being a multivariate slice sampler:
```@example gpss
using Distributions
using Turing
using SliceSampling
using LinearAlgebra
using Plots
@model function demo()
x ~ MvTDist(1, zeros(10), Matrix(I,10,10))
model = demo()
n_samples = 10000
chain = sample(model, externalsampler(GibbsPolarSlice(10)), n_samples; initial_params=ones(10))
histogram(chain[:,1,:], xlims=[-10,10])

[^SHR2023]: Schär, P., Habeck, M., & Rudolf, D. (2023, July). Gibbsian polar slice sampling. In International Conference on Machine Learning.
[^RR2002]: Roberts, G. O., & Rosenthal, J. S. (2002). The polar slice sampler. Stochastic Models, 18(2), 257-280.
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions docs/src/
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Expand Up @@ -15,9 +15,9 @@ where $$y$$ is the parameters of the log-target $$\pi$$, $$s$$ is the width of t
Naturally, the sampler operates as a blocked-Gibbs sampler
l &\sim \operatorname{Uniform}\left(l; \; y - s/2,\, y + s/2\right) \\
s &\sim p(s \mid y, l) \\
y &\sim \operatorname{slice-sampler}\left(y \mid s, l\right),
l_n &\sim \operatorname{Uniform}\left(l; \; y_{n-1} - s_{n-1}/2,\, y_{n-1} + s_{n-1}/2\right) \\
s_n &\sim p(s \mid y_{n-1}, l_{n}) \\
y_n &\sim \operatorname{shrinkage}\left(y \mid s_n, l_n\right),
where $$y$$ is updated using the shrinkage procedure by Neal[^N2003] using the initial interval formed by $$(s, l)$$.
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13 changes: 12 additions & 1 deletion src/SliceSampling.jl
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Expand Up @@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ using AbstractMCMC
using Accessors
using Distributions
using FillArrays
using LinearAlgebra
using LogDensityProblems
using SimpleUnPack
using Random
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -48,6 +49,13 @@ Return the initial sample for the `model` using the random number generator `rng
function initial_sample end

function exceeded_max_prop(max_prop::Int)
error("Exceeded maximum number of proposal $(max_prop).\n",
"Here are possible causes:\n",
"- The model might be broken or pathologic.\n",
"- There might be a bug in the sampler.")

# Univariate Slice Sampling Algorithms
export Slice, SliceSteppingOut, SliceDoublingOut

Expand All @@ -64,9 +72,12 @@ include("doublingout.jl")

# Latent Slice Sampling
export LatentSlice


# Gibbsian Polar Slice Sampling
export GibbsPolarSlice

# Turing Compatibility

if !isdefined(Base, :get_extension)
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21 changes: 15 additions & 6 deletions src/doublingout.jl
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@@ -1,20 +1,29 @@

SliceDoublingOut(max_doubling_out, window)
SliceDoublingOut(window; max_doubling_out, max_proposals)
Univariate slice sampling by automatically adapting the initial interval through the "doubling-out" procedure (Scheme 4 by Neal[^N2003])
# Fields
- `max_doubling_out`: Maximum number of "doubling outs" (default: 8).
# Arguments
- `window::Union{<:Real, <:AbstractVector}`: Proposal window.
# Keyword Arguments
- `max_doubling_out`: Maximum number of "doubling outs" (default: 8).
- `max_proposals::Int`: Maximum number of proposals allowed until throwing an error (default: `typemax(Int)`).
struct SliceDoublingOut{W <: Union{<:AbstractVector, <:Real}} <: AbstractGibbsSliceSampling
window ::W
max_proposals ::Int

SliceDoublingOut(window::Union{<:AbstractVector, <:Real}) = SliceDoublingOut(8, window)
function SliceDoublingOut(
window ::Union{<:AbstractVector, <:Real};
max_doubling_out::Int = 8,
max_proposals ::Int = typemax(Int),
SliceDoublingOut(window, max_doubling_out, max_proposals)

function find_interval(
rng ::Random.AbstractRNG,
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11 changes: 6 additions & 5 deletions src/gibbs.jl
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Expand Up @@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ function AbstractMCMC.step(
state ::GibbsSliceState;
max_prop = sampler.max_proposals
logdensitymodel = model.logdensity
w = if sampler.window isa Real
Fill(sampler.window, LogDensityProblems.dimension(logdensitymodel))
Expand All @@ -48,15 +49,15 @@ function AbstractMCMC.step(
θ = copy(state.transition.params)
@assert length(w) == length(θ) "window size does not match parameter size"

total_props = 0
n_props = zeros(Int, length(θ))
for idx in shuffle(rng, 1:length(θ))
model_gibbs = GibbsObjective(logdensitymodel, idx, θ)
θ′idx, ℓp, props = slice_sampling_univariate(
rng, sampler, model_gibbs, w[idx], ℓp, θ[idx]
rng, sampler, model_gibbs, w[idx], ℓp, θ[idx], max_prop,
total_props += props
θ[idx] = θ′idx
n_props[idx] = props
θ[idx] = θ′idx
t = Transition(θ, ℓp, (num_proposals=total_props,))
t = Transition(θ, ℓp, (num_proposals=n_props,))
t, GibbsSliceState(t)

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