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The official name of this package is "Hamiltonian Open Quantum System Toolkit" (HOQST). To conform with the Julia package name guidelines the code name of the package is OpenQuantumTools. It is a Julia toolkit for simulating the open quantum system dynamics. The package is still under development, but the current functionality and APIs are stable. Future releases before v1.0 will focus on adding more features instead of introducing breaking changes. Detailed documentation can be found here. Any pull requests are welcome.


To install, run the following commands inside the Julia REPL:

using Pkg

Alternatively, this can also be done in Julia's Pkg REPL:

(@v1.7) pkg> add OpenQuantumTools

OpenQuantumTools requires Julia 1.4 or higher. Installing it on an older version of Julia will result in an unsatisfiable requirements error.

Useful Packages

It is recommended to install the following external packages:

Plots is a visualization interface and toolset for Julia. OpenQuantumTools.jl provides several plotting functionality by recipes to Plots.jl.

Even though OpenQuantumTools.jl can function without DifferentialEquations.jl, it needs to be loaded in order for the master equation solvers to work properly. For low dependency usage, replacing DifferentialEquations by OrdinaryDiffEq.jl will also work.


Tutorials and examples can be found in HOQSTTutorials.jl.


HOQST has a component package OpenQuantumBase.jl. It holds the common types and utility functions in order to reduce the size of dependencies.


The corresponding paper for OpenQuantumTools is

Chen, H., Lidar, D.A. Hamiltonian open quantum system toolkit. Commun Phys 5, 112 (2022)

This software is developed as part of academic research. If you use OpenQuantumTools as part of your research, teaching, or other activities, we would be grateful if you could cite our work.


The authors thank Grace Chen for the HOQST logo design. The authors also thank Ka-Wa Yip for providing his data and MATLAB program on 1/f noise simulation for cross-checking. You can find them in this repo.