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saparagus edited this page Mar 13, 2023 · 1 revision

Blue cards

this is a high-level explanation (some details are omitted — not essential here).

  • while user does practice with a story, she can click on unfamiliar words ⇒ that shows the user the translation of the word.
  • any translated word automatically goes into the user's deck of flashcards ⇒ becomes a "RED" flashcard.
  • when the user later practices with flashcards, if she knows some words, they become "GREEN".
  • when the user finishes the story, the system takes the words that were NOT clicked —
    • that can be quite a large number, e.g., 100-200.
    • these are "BLUE" words.
  • we want to ASSUME that the user knows all the blue words (because otherwise she would have clicked them)
  • but we don't want to assume this without checking a little: so we TEST 5 of these 200 BLUE words — with blue flashcards.
    • (these 5 words are chosen in a particular way from the 200 — we choose the "hardest" ones).
    • if the user in fact KNOWS these 5 words, she gets "credit" for all blue 200 words —
      • they all become GREEN.
    • if the user does not know all the TEST words:
      • those she knows ⇒ become GREEN
      • those she does not know ⇒ become RED
      • she can get another 5 BLUE cards — to repeat the BLUE test.
  • whenever she gets all 5 BLUE flashcards correct ⇒ all BLUE words in the story become GREEN
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