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Incremental Deliverable 4

Nisarg Chaudhary edited this page Mar 18, 2024 · 38 revisions

Updated Team Positions for ID4

  • Project Manager: Nisarg Chaudhary, Jewel Magcawas (shadow)
  • Dev Lead: Funmise Adebowale
  • Dev Team Members: John Lecegues, Adam Stanger, Kelly Neuda, Jorden Whitenect, Jewel Magcawas
  • Test Lead: Danielle Powell
  • Test Team Members: Dhruv Prakashbhai Chaudhari, Brayden Johnstone, Utsav Rajeshkumar Golakiya, Jeffrey
  • Risk Officers: Dhruv Prakashbhai Chaudhari, Fumise Adebowale (shadow), Kelly Neuda (shadow)
  • Build Master: John Lecegues, Danielle Powell (shadow)
  • Triage Team: Jorden Whitenect, Brayden, John

Updated Requirements document

  • The updated requirements document shows the breakdown of each feature with a description about that feature.
  • The feature "Adding and modifying projectile point data in the catalogue" was broken down into two features for better understanding, i.e., "Adding and modifying a site to the catalogue." and "Adding and modifying projectile point data in the catalogue".
  • Made minor changes in few requirements for better understanding and readability. Updated Requirements.pdf

Meeting Logs for ID4

  • The meeting logs for this ID shows the time and date of all the meetings that took place along with the attendees.

  • It also highlights the topics we talked about in the meetings.

  • I've (Nisarg) added colour code for each type of meeting to make it easier to read and identify.

  • Meeting logs ID4.pdf

  • Team members also had many issue fixing and code along meets which are not mentioned in this document, but can be found in the activity logs of each team members.


User flow diagram shows the breakdown of Login, Create a site, Create a Projectile Point, Settings, Aggregated Statistics, and Export by making the use of UI design pages. User flow Diagram.pdf

Recreated Class Diagrams - Frontend & Backend

Formal Inspection Reports

Formal Inspection-sites.js - ID4.pdf

Risk Report

Risk Report.pdf


Triage Report: ID4 - Triage Report.pdf

Plan for ID5

This document states a detailed plan for the ID5. The leads will be meeting on Monday to prioritize the backlog and assign tasks to the team members. More discussion on the scope of project (what all we can get done to meet a well tested and optimized software ready for our stakeholders.)

Activity Log

  • This file contains the combined activity logs of team members (submitted at 10:20 PM)Activity Logs ID4.pdf
  • This file contains a breakdown of each team's hours, comparison of each member's hours and a chart showing the same: Overview.pdf

Test and Development Reports

Feature 1: Admin Login Issue #92 & Security Patches from ID3

Feature Developer: John

Feature Report: Feature Report for Login Branch - ID4.pdf

Assigned Tester: Dhruv

Code Inspection: Code Inspection.pdf

Test Plan: Test Plan feature Login.pdf

Test Report: Testing Report feature login.pdf

Traceability Matrix: Traceability Matrix.pdf

Feature 2 and 3: Adding and modifying Sites and Projectile Points in the Catalogue:

Feature Developer: Kelly, Jewel & Jorden

Feature Report: Feature Report for projectile Branch - ID4.pdf

Testers: Utsav and Jeffrey

Testing Documents by Utsav:

Testing Documents by Jeffrey:

Feature 4: Aggregated Statistics Generator

Feature Developer: Adam

Feature Report: ID4 feature report.pdf

Assigned Tester: Brayden

Code Inspection: ID4 - Feature 4 - Code Inspection.pdf

Traceability Matrix: ID4 - Feature 4 - Traceability Matrix.pdf

Test Plan: ID4 - Feature 4 - Testing Plan.pdf

Test Report: ID4 - Feature 4 - Testing Report.pdf