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End 2 cases invariant loop
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Martina committed Jan 20, 2025
1 parent 45269ef commit 7e665cf
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Showing 5 changed files with 691 additions and 11 deletions.
323 changes: 323 additions & 0 deletions DataflowRewriter/Rewrites/Loop.lean
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@@ -0,0 +1,323 @@

import DataflowRewriter.Rewrites.LoopRewrite
import DataflowRewriter.ExprLowLemmas
import DataflowRewriter.Rewrites.LoopRewriteCorrect
import Mathlib
import Aesop

--import DataflowRewriter.Rewrites.MatchGoal

namespace DataflowRewriter.LoopRewrite

open Batteries (AssocList)

--open matchGoal

open Lean hiding AssocList
open Meta Elab

open StringModule

section Proof

variable {Data : Type}
variable (DataS : String)
variable (f : Data → Data × Bool)

variable [Inhabited Data]

def apply (n : Nat) (i : Data) : Data × Bool :=
match n with
| 0 => f i
| n' + 1 => f (apply n' i).fst

def iterate (i: Data) (n : Nat) (i': Data) : Prop :=
(∀ m, m < n -> (apply f m i).snd = true) ∧ apply f n i = (i', false)

-- theorem compute_n (i : Data) :
-- ∃ n i', iterate f i n i' = true := by
-- constructor; constructor
-- . unfold iterate
-- simp
-- and_intros
-- . intro m h1
-- unfold apply;

omit [Inhabited Data] in
theorem input_rule_isData {input_rule} :
((lhsEvaled f).inputs.find? ↑"i_in") = .some input_rule ->
Data = input_rule.fst := by
unfold lhsEvaled
simp; intro h1
subst_vars; rfl

#check lhsEvaled

-- theorem flushing (n : Nat) input_rule s i i' s' s_int
-- (h : ((lhsEvaled f).inputs.find? ↑"i_in") = .some input_rule) :
-- input_rule.snd s i s' ->
-- check_output f n (input_rule_isData f h i) i' ->
-- existSR (lhsEvaled f).internals s' s_int ->
-- ∃ s'', existSR (lhsEvaled f).internals s_int s'' ∧ s''.1 = i' := by admit

--Invariant flush

inductive flush_relation : lhsType Data -> Prop where
| intros : ∀ (s : lhsType Data) x_bag x_initL x_initB x_module x_splitD x_splitB x_branchD x_branchB x_forkR x_forkL x_muxB x_muxI x_muxC,
⟨x_bag, ⟨x_initL, x_initB⟩, x_module, ⟨x_splitD, x_splitB⟩ ,⟨x_branchD, x_branchB⟩, ⟨x_forkR, x_forkL⟩, x_muxB, x_muxI, x_muxC ⟩ = s ->
( Prod.fst ++ x_splitD ++ x_branchD ++ x_muxB = []
∃ elem, Prod.fst ++ x_splitD ++ x_branchD ++ x_muxB = [elem]) ->
(x_initB = false -> x_splitB ++ x_forkL ++ x_initL ++ x_muxC = []) ->
(x_initB = true -> ∃ elem, x_splitB ++ x_forkL ++ x_initL ++ x_muxC = [elem]) ->
flush_relation s

inductive computation_relation : (lhsType Data) -> (Data) -> Prop where
| intros : ∀ (s : lhsType Data) x_bag x_initL x_initB x_module x_splitD x_splitB x_branchD x_branchB x_forkR x_forkL x_muxB x_muxI x_muxC (i_in : Data),
⟨x_bag, ⟨x_initL, x_initB⟩, x_module, ⟨x_splitD, x_splitB⟩ ,⟨x_branchD, x_branchB⟩, ⟨x_forkR, x_forkL⟩, x_muxB, x_muxI, x_muxC ⟩ = s ->
(∃ elem, x_branchD = [elem] -> x_splitB ++ x_forkL ++ x_initL ++ x_muxC = [true]) ->
( ∀ n k i',
iterate f i_in n i' ->
(k < n -> x_module = [(apply f k i_in )] ∧ Prod.snd = [true]) ->
(k = n -> x_module = [(apply f n i_in )] ∧ Prod.snd = [false]) ->
(x_splitB = [true] -> k < n ∧ x_splitD = [(apply f k i_in )].map Prod.fst) ->
(x_splitB = [false] -> k = n ∧ x_splitD = [(apply f k i_in )].map Prod.fst)) ->
computation_relation s i_in

inductive state_relation : lhsType Data -> Data -> Prop where
| base: ∀ (s : lhsType Data) i_in,
flush_relation s ->
computation_relation f s i_in ->
state_relation s i_in

#print lhsEvaled

@[aesop unsafe 90% forward]
theorem one_element {α : Type _ } (l1 l2 l3 l4 : List α) ( a : α) :
l1 ++ (l2 ++ ([a] ++ (l3 ++ l4))) = [a] -> l1 = [] ∧ l2 = [] ∧ l3 = [] ∧ l4 = [] := by
--aesop (add norm [List.append_right_eq_self, List.append_left_eq_self ])

@[aesop unsafe 90% forward]
theorem one_element2 {α : Type _ } (l1 l2 l3 l4 : List α) ( a : α) :
l1 ++ ([a] ++ (l2 ++ (l3 ++ l4))) = [a] -> l1 = [] ∧ l2 = [] ∧ l3 = [] ∧ l4 = [] := by
--aesop (add norm [List.append_right_eq_self, List.append_left_eq_self ])

@[aesop unsafe 10% forward]
theorem one_element1 {α : Type _ } (l1 l2 l3 : List α) ( a : α) :
l1 ++ ([a] ++ (l2 ++ l3)) = [a] -> l1 = [] ∧ l2 = [] ∧ l3 = [] := by
--aesop (add norm [List.append_right_eq_self, List.append_left_eq_self ])

-- @[aesop safe apply]
-- theorem one_element_different {α : Type _ } (i : Nat) (l1 l2 l3 l4 : List α) (a b : α):
-- List.insertIdx i a (l1 ++ l2 ++ l3 ++ l4) = [b] -> (a = b) := by admit

@[aesop safe forward]
theorem one_element_different {α : Type _ } (l1 l2 l3 l4 : List α) (a b : α):
l1 ++ (l2 ++ ([a] ++ (l3 ++ l4))) = [b] -> (a = b) := by admit

@[aesop safe forward]
theorem one_element_different2 {α : Type _ } (l1 l2 l3 l4 : List α) (a b : α):
l1 ++ ([a] ++ (l2 ++ (l3 ++ l4))) = [b] -> (a = b) := by admit

@[aesop safe forward]
theorem one_element_different1 {α : Type _ } (l1 l2 l3: List α) (a b : α):
l1 ++ ([a] ++ (l2 ++ l3)) = [b] -> (a = b) := by admit

set_option maxHeartbeats 1000000

--add_aesop_rules simp [List.append_cons]

-- attribute [-simp] List.singleton_append
-- attribute [-simp] List.append_cons

theorem only_one_data_in_flight:
∀ (s s' : lhsType Data) i_in rule,
rule ∈ (lhsEvaled f).internals ->
rule s s' ->
state_relation f s i_in ->
state_relation f s' i_in := by
intro s s' i_in rule h1 h2 h3
let ⟨x_bag, ⟨x_initL, x_initB⟩, x_module, ⟨x_splitD, x_splitB⟩ ,⟨x_branchD, x_branchB⟩, ⟨x_forkR, x_forkL⟩, x_muxB, x_muxI, x_muxC ⟩ := s
let ⟨x_bag', ⟨x_initL', x_initB'⟩, x_module', ⟨x_splitD', x_splitB'⟩ ,⟨x_branchD', x_branchB'⟩, ⟨x_forkR', x_forkL'⟩, x_muxB', x_muxI', x_muxC'⟩ := s'
fin_cases h1
. dsimp at h2
obtain ⟨h2, _⟩ := h2
specialize h2 rfl
obtain ⟨cons, newC, h⟩ := h2
obtain ⟨x_bag'_int, ⟨x_initL'_int, x_initB'_int⟩, x_module'_int, ⟨x_splitD'_int, x_splitB'_int⟩ ,⟨x_branchD'_int, x_branchB'_int⟩, ⟨x_forkR'_int, x_forkL'_int⟩, x_muxB'_int, x_muxI'_int, x_muxC'_int⟩ := cons
dsimp at h
simp_all; repeat cases ‹_ ∧ _›
--let ⟨⟨⟨h4, ⟨h15, ⟨⟨h20, h26⟩, ⟨h21, h27⟩, ⟨h22, h28⟩, h23, h24, h25⟩⟩⟩, h5⟩ , ⟨⟨⟨⟨⟨⟨ h6, h13, h14⟩, ⟨h12, h17⟩⟩, ⟨h11, h16⟩⟩, ⟨h10, h18⟩⟩, h8⟩, ⟨h9, h19⟩⟩, h7⟩ := h
rcases h3 with ⟨ h3, h3'⟩
. cases h3
rename_i h3 _ _
. rfl
. cases h3 <;> simp_all
. cases h3
. cases x_initB <;> simp_all
. cases x_initB <;> simp_all
. cases x_initB <;> simp_all
. repeat cases ‹_ ∧ _›; subst_vars
rename_i H3
cases H3 <;> rename_i H3
. simp_all; apply Or.inl
cases newC
. rw[List.append_cons] at *; ac_nf at *
aesop (add safe (by contradiction)) (config := {useDefaultSimpSet := false})
. rw[List.append_cons] at *; ac_nf at *
aesop (add safe (by contradiction)) (config := {useDefaultSimpSet := false})
. simp_all; apply Or.inr
cases newC
. rw[List.append_cons] at *; ac_nf at *
aesop (add safe (by contradiction)) (config := {useDefaultSimpSet := false})
. rw[List.append_cons] at *; ac_nf at *
aesop (add safe (by contradiction)) (config := {useDefaultSimpSet := false})
. cases h3'; constructor <;> try rfl
. rename_i H1 H2 _
simp at H1
repeat cases ‹_ ∧ _›
cases H2; rename_i elem H2
apply Exists.intro elem
intro h; specialize H2 h
rename_i B _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
cases B
. rename_i H1; simp at H1
repeat cases ‹_ ∧ _›
cases h3
rename_i h3 _ _ _
simp at h3
repeat cases ‹_ ∧ _›
simp_all only [List.map_cons, List.map_nil, List.append_assoc, List.cons_ne_self,
imp_false, not_true_eq_false]
. rename_i H1; simp at H1
repeat cases ‹_ ∧ _›
cases h3
rename_i h3 _ _ _
simp at h3
repeat cases ‹_ ∧ _›
cases newC
. rename_i h1 h2 h3 h4; clear h1
rw[List.append_cons] at *; ac_nf at *
aesop (add safe (by contradiction)) (config := {useDefaultSimpSet := false})
. rename_i h1 h2 h3 h4; clear h1
rw[List.append_cons] at *; ac_nf at *
aesop (add safe (by contradiction)) (config := {useDefaultSimpSet := false})
. rename_i H1 _ _
simp at H1
repeat cases ‹_ ∧ _›
. dsimp at h2
obtain ⟨h2, _⟩ := h2
specialize h2 rfl
obtain ⟨cons, newC, h⟩ := h2
obtain ⟨x_bag'_int, ⟨x_initL'_int, x_initB'_int⟩, x_module'_int, ⟨x_splitD'_int, x_splitB'_int⟩ ,⟨x_branchD'_int, x_branchB'_int⟩, ⟨x_forkR'_int, x_forkL'_int⟩, x_muxB'_int, x_muxI'_int, x_muxC'_int⟩ := cons
dsimp at h
repeat cases ‹_ ∧ _›
rcases h3 with ⟨ h3, h3'⟩
unfold lhsType at *
. cases h3
rename_i h3 _ _
constructor <;> try rfl
. cases h3
. simp_all
. repeat cases ‹_ ∧ _›
. cases h3
. simp_all
. simp_all
. simp_all
repeat cases ‹_ ∧ _›
rename_i H3
cases H3 <;> rename_i H3
. apply Or.inl
cases newC
. rw[List.append_cons] at *; ac_nf at *; clear h3 h3'
aesop (config := {useDefaultSimpSet := false}) --(erase one_element1)
. rw[List.append_cons] at *; ac_nf at *
aesop (add safe (by contradiction)) (config := {useDefaultSimpSet := false})
. apply Or.inr
cases newC
. rw[List.append_cons] at *; ac_nf at *
aesop (add safe (by contradiction)) (config := {useDefaultSimpSet := false})
. rw[List.append_cons] at *; ac_nf at *; clear ‹_ ∨ _›
aesop (add safe (by contradiction)) (config := {useDefaultSimpSet := false}) --(erase one_element1)
. cases h3'; constructor <;> try rfl
. simp_all; rename_i H1 H2 _
repeat cases ‹_ ∧ _›
cases H2; rename_i elem H2
apply Exists.intro elem
intro h; specialize H2 h
rename_i B _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
cases B
. cases h3
rename_i h3 _ _ _
simp at h3
repeat cases ‹_ ∧ _›
subst_vars; simp_all
cases newC
. rename_i h1 h2 h3 ; clear h1
rw[List.append_cons] at *; ac_nf at *
aesop (add safe (by contradiction)) (config := {useDefaultSimpSet := false})
. rename_i h1 h2 h3 ; clear h1
rw[List.append_cons] at *; ac_nf at *
aesop (add safe (by contradiction)) (config := {useDefaultSimpSet := false})
. cases h3
rename_i h3 _ _ _
simp at h3
repeat cases ‹_ ∧ _›
subst_vars; simp_all
cases newC
. rename_i h1 h2 h3 ; clear h1
rw[List.append_cons] at *; ac_nf at *
aesop (add safe (by contradiction)) (config := {useDefaultSimpSet := false})
. rename_i h1 h2 h3 ; clear h1
rw[List.append_cons] at *; ac_nf at *
aesop (add safe (by contradiction)) (config := {useDefaultSimpSet := false})
. rename_i H1 _ _
simp at H1
repeat cases ‹_ ∧ _›

end Proof
end DataflowRewriter.LoopRewrite
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion DataflowRewriter/Rewrites/LoopRewrite.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ def lhs (T : Type) [Inhabited T] (Tₛ : String) (f : T → T × Bool)
o_out [type = "io"];

mux [typeImp = $(⟨_, mux T⟩), type = $("mux " ++ Tₛ)];
condition_fork [typeImp = $(⟨_, fork Bool 2⟩), type = "fork Bool 2"];
condition_fork [typeImp = $(⟨_, fork2 Bool ⟩), type = "fork2 Bool"];
branch [typeImp = $(⟨_, branch T⟩), type = $("branch " ++ Tₛ)];
tag_split [typeImp = $(⟨_, split T Bool⟩), type = $("split " ++ Tₛ ++ " Bool")];
mod [typeImp = $(⟨_, pure f⟩), type = "pure f"];
Expand Down

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