Version 1.6
Last released taken from SVN. (1.6: relevant SVN revision (r1278) became available in december 2018)
- Fixed bug on resurrection where civs declared war on the new civ based on decisions/setup of earlier resurrections
- Fixed inconsistency connected to Lumbermill availability on Timber resources
- Fixed bug with UI display on the map for cottages, hamlets and villages (worked turns needed till the improvement upgrade) when they are outside cultural borders
- Fixed mistake with negative modifiers for cottage/hamlet/village growth, now everything is accounted and shown properly
- Fixed bug connected to persecutions being done with automatic religion selection for the human player (so only one possible religion to persecute)
- Fixed bug with unspecified collapses - reported by Titoudeff
- Fixed a couple instances of the -1 turn on spawn bug (autoplay)
- Fixed minor bug in flip city mechanics on collapses
- Fixed bug with the Prussian mainscreen UHV counter
- Fixed mistake with the secession mechanics when it was called with a forced RevoltCity call
- Fixed bug in some aspects of the city selection mechanics for secession: cities in core areas got the same penalties as other cities (which increased their chance for selection)
- Fixed bug where some of the "complete by specific date"-type UHVs were possible to trigger even after the deadline
- Fixed an enum bug related to promotions in the xmlconstants
- Fixed python error connected to a respawned Burgundian civ's 1st UHV - reported by JHLee
- Fixed bug where the Lithuanian 1st UHV could become both lost and won on the same turn, if you switched out of Paganism right before you reached the culture threshold
- Fixed mistake in the Byzantine UP, which made the collapse possible in some situations where it should have been prevented - reported by PiR
- Fixed bug with the Byzantine UP, regarding cities: it was possible that a city in your core area was counted as unstable