A Simple telegram bot written in python to forward your files from one channel to other channel when a new post is available. What you need to do is just deploy this code.
Deploy To Render
Use these commands:
• Build Command:
pip3 install -U -r requirements.txt
• Start Command:
gunicorn app:app & python3 bot.py
Go to https://uptimerobot.com/ and add a monitor to keep your bot alive.
Use these settings when adding a monitor:
Click on the below button to deploy directly to render ↓
You can deploy this code any where you want but we provided heroku and railway deploy methods below
Select one of the methods
Go to my.telegram.org
- And get your API ID
- And API Hashes
Paste the below API_HASH and API_ID respectively.
Get the your channel id and paste in below in the format -10023352648:-100655379
Get the Bot Father Token from @BotFather
Paste the token below BOT_TOKEN.
Set AS_COPY value to True if you want to forward messages without forward tag.
start - check whether bot is alive
about - to know about me