Welcome to the Rock-Paper-Scissors game! This is a fun and interactive game where you can challenge the computer and see who can reach 5 points first within 10 rounds.
- The game is played between you and the computer.
- You and the computer will choose either Rock, Paper, or Scissors.
- The rules of the game are:
- Rock beats Scissors
- Scissors beat Paper
- Paper beats Rock
- The game consists of 10 rounds or until either player reaches 5 points.
- The player with the most points at the end of 10 rounds wins, or the first to reach 5 points.
- Run the game by executing the main program file.
- Enter your choice (Rock, Paper, or Scissors) when prompted.
- The computer will randomly choose its move.
- The winner of the round will be displayed along with the current score.
- The game continues for 10 rounds or until one player reaches 5 points.
- The final score and the winner will be displayed at the end of the game.
Here's an example of how the game might look: